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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024


  • StaySquared@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWhat happened? Take me back
    7 months ago

    I just LOVE how you marxists/commies/leftists/progressives can only blame capitalism. When are you going to look at your government and blame your government for its spending? How the hell do you and your ilk function while ignoring the abuses of your government toward you and everyone around you, every single citizen of your nation? Instead lmao… you want to blame capitalism and only capitalism, not corrupt politicians, not their policies, not their agendas.

    Amaaaaaaaazing. Purely awestruck.

  • StaySquared@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWhat happened? Take me back
    7 months ago

    Well the government simply went rogue. It gave its people the middle finger and decided to do whatever the fk it wants to do whether we like it or not.

    Can’t wait til people figure out that the sham that is democracy that we force up the angus of all other nations, is the same sham that is democracy in this country. It’s all an illusion, to make you feel like you and I have power. Like our ballots count. But it doesn’t and we don’t. <3

  • I almost aimlessly did. I have a Surface Pro 6. So I searched specifically for Ubuntu on that model, at the time (2021) and someone had experienced quite a few issues on the hardware side - compatibility. One of the issues was the touch screen, that pretty much stopped me in my tracks. The other issues were not too significant for me.

    I just decided to search again to see if Ubuntu will install without issue… 22.04 still lacks touch screen capability. I want my child (5yo) to start learning how to use a computer - linux based. But I also know she loves to “finger paint” - she does so on an iPad mini, and her educational curriculum (arts and craft) will require her to create drawings and paint stuff (I’m a paper nazi, if I can avoid paper and keep it digital, I will 100%) so without touch screen (including the Surface Pen) it’s somewhat pointless.

    As soon as ANY user friendly (especially for a child) Linux distro can fully support the Surface Pro 6, I will be more than happy to slap it onto it and hand it over to my child.

    Edit: Wow… so many people own the SP6.

  • The problem, imo is two.

    1. Technological ignorance
    2. Money

    The solution?

    1. Educate ourselves about privacy.
    2. Boycott/divest against all those who wants to exploit our privacy and make money from it.

    Microsoft sharing your information? Stop buying Microsoft products. Your car - Ford, sharing your information? Stop buying Ford products. Streaming services sharing your information? Stop using their service.

    We have the power. But we’re divided, we are so categorized and siloed. Without unity on specific issues we will not win. If we share an issue that we agree on, leave it at that and tackle the issue. Do not bring in other beliefs or ideas that will drive each other apart, that’s what they want.

  • The illusion is that YOU and I are to blame for climate change. And we have to face the consequences by making sacrifices for the sake of mother earth… when in reality, we nor any other living creature is the blame for changes in climate. It’s not accelerating like it’s supposed to have been since what? The 1930s? The world should have burned down to the groun… to nothingness 10 times over according to all the specialists/scientists. 🙄

  • Way I see it, it’s like being worried over a nightmare. It’s an illusion your mind produced. Nightmares happen. Not much you can do about it. No different than changes in climate, it happens, not much we can do about it. We can pretend that we can lessen climate changes to 100% or 90% or even 50% but we don’t control earth, other planets, much less the rest of the galaxy. Changes to climate are going to happen naturally as they have since the birth of reality.

  • StaySquared@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlComplicit
    7 months ago

    Yes. Any common sense human being in America can clearly see that we have a uniparty. We have been hoodwinked over and over and over by both sides. And now we’ve been made aware that our government has been hijacked by bad actors - a foreign entity. As long as we ignore this fact, we will continue to degrade as a nation and as a civilization.

    After Trump’s assassination attempt, he received new donors… guess what they all have in common? So whether it’s Kamala or Trump, Israel is still going to get away with their crimes and Americans will still have to cough up the tax dollars to support those criminals.

  • I could be mistaken, but I thought women weren’t allowed to go on flights at a certain stage of pregnancy?

    After 36 weeks of pregnancy, your health care provider may advise against flying. And some airlines don’t allow pregnant people women to fly after 36 weeks. The airline also may require a letter from your health care provider that states how far along in your pregnancy you are and whether flying is advised.

    Also who tf travels on vacation when they’re so close to labor?