Republicans have such a fucking easy job.
Run on “Government doesn’t work! We need less of it!” and then once you have the job, do fucking nothing except obstruct, obstruct, obstruct to make sure jack shit gets done so you can turn around and say “See, the government doesn’t work, we need to get rid of it!”
And for the cost, they get to retire with nice government pensions and better healthcare than any of their voters will ever see.
I hate this fucking planet.
This is not just a partisan issue. As the article points out, its been like this for 30 years. The Dems failed to pass any meaningful legislation too.
It’s because it makes gobs of money that both parties are taking, and it also kind of projects US power to other countries since US tech is doing most of the data collection.
the dems failed to pass any meaningful legislation
Yeah those tens of millions of people utilizing the ACA sure don’t count. I guess the infrastructure bill didn’t happen, I’ll go tell my city to return the funding it’s using right now to repair roads and sewerage issues that have long been neglected until that money came.
I mean seriously? Nothing meaningful? Let’s just skip the part where you give me some dross about how the ACA was Republican due to compromise blah blah blah we all know but it wouldn’t exist at all without Obama and the democrats expending an enormous amount of political capital. Like it or not, to not call it meaningful is ridiculous.
Relax bidey-bro, this thread is about data privacy laws, not general stuff. The only relevant one I’m aware of is DMCA, which was in fact signed into law by Bill Clinton.
You’re trying too hard
The only Dem I know who even bothers to talk about this stuff is our local senator Ron Wyden. Apart from that, most seem satisfied with the status quo.
It just doesn’t resonate with voters.
I think many voters “feel” tech getting junky, but the connection to why is just way too complicated for most to dig into. It’s not a direct line like tipping waiters or getting abortions.
The problem, imo is two.
- Technological ignorance
- Money
The solution?
- Educate ourselves about privacy.
- Boycott/divest against all those who wants to exploit our privacy and make money from it.
Microsoft sharing your information? Stop buying Microsoft products. Your car - Ford, sharing your information? Stop buying Ford products. Streaming services sharing your information? Stop using their service.
We have the power. But we’re divided, we are so categorized and siloed. Without unity on specific issues we will not win. If we share an issue that we agree on, leave it at that and tackle the issue. Do not bring in other beliefs or ideas that will drive each other apart, that’s what they want.
Boycott only works with niche products, you will never make a business stop using microsoft office.
We shouldn’t think this way. As individual consumers, those of us who buy Microsoft products for personal use, if we were to stop buying their products, even though businesses will continue, it will still make its mark.
Absolutely. I work for a company historically locked in Microsoft infrastructure. It’s taken me close to 7 years, but we’re finally finishing the migration of the in-house platform from Windows - only to kubernetes based and WEBGUI. Once that’s done, everyone gets to choose what they use (windows, Mac, Linux, BSD) and moving forward my boss agreed that all company laptops will be from System76.
So, yeah, 7 years, but I never quit. 2K+ employees.
Congress is an organ of the ruling class and always has been. When they (rarely) do something seemingly against ruling class interests, it is still a strategem to best keep the capitalism boat afloat (it tries to sink every 5-10 years).
Sure, Congress is corrupt, but it always has been. The system is working more or less as designed. And if you want to oppose this design, the system is also designed to fight you to the death. And funneling all of your capacity into sheepdog voting is how your masters tell you you should oppose them. So if you want to oppose this system, you must become informed as to how it functions and join up with like-minded individuals to develop actually effective means of resistance.
Just because you are in the minority doesn’t make the system corrupt.
That’s true! I’m glad I didn’t say anything like, “the system is corrupt because I’m in the minority”.
PS, the ruling class is a minority.
This is a whole lot of conspiracy bs with no sources provided. But it includes the usual keywords “the system”, “design”, and “ruling class” so you can get your upvotes from like-minded fellows in your bubble.
Have you considered that politics and economics is a little bit more complicated and a lot of gears make the machine? But “the elite pulling the strings” is much easier to understand and you conveniently get an enemy.
Contact Senator Ron Wyden - he’s doing good work on this front. Show him some support
Internet and associated technology has become the dominant force in our world and we have next to know regulation on it and the stuff we have is targeted at individuals rather than corporations like it should be. I hat to through youtube links around but this guy has a pretty good one on price fixing.
They will take it seriously if their personal information becomes visible.
I’m 99% sure there are laws that specifically protect politicians from having their information exposed.
I don’t know if this is true but I won’t be surprised
84% of Americans want something they are unwilling to vote nor do anything for, but they sure as hell will complain about it.
Voting will fix it, it’s worked so far. /s
Decisions are made by those who show up.
No they’re made by those who possess economic power. That’s a tiny sliver of the US population.
It’s elections are nothing than political theatre, with a side goal of creating the illusion of democracy, and building consent for the dictatorship.
They want comprehensive legislation that everyone agrees on. It isn’t asking much.