yes a civil war between diet nazis too cowardly or feeble to serve in the military vs people who want gun control. should be an interesting fight where no matter who wins, America loses.
yes a civil war between diet nazis too cowardly or feeble to serve in the military vs people who want gun control. should be an interesting fight where no matter who wins, America loses.
it looked exactly like that until like a year ago or something. steam is the only app i know that got updated like every single day and literally nothing changed in it for years at a time.
maybe if you can convince them that global warming helps out joe biden they will be against it.
they’re remembered differently because you can’t compare a legendary frontman from the 90s to a 1 hit wonder in the 2000s. they are definitely comparable as far as addiction goes but the quality of music? Amy winehouse had like 1 or 2 songs that got popular compared to the dozen or so hit songs that are still played regularly today while I can’t remember the last time I heard Amy winehouse played. it has absolutely nothing to do with her being a woman. there are so many amazing female musicians who’s music will be remembered with the same nostalgia as nirvana, Amy winehouse will simply never be one of them because she’s not that great in my opinion.
X…gonna give it to me.
all you need to know is how to extract compressed files. if youre familiar with that then installing cracked games will be easy for you. as most have said, fitgirl is a great place to get games because she has been in the game a long time and is considered a credible source. most installers will copy the crack for you but generally the most work you have to do after a pirated game install is copy the crack folder over the files in the game folder, disabled firewall access if it asks, and possibly run as administrator. thats it.
so he gets another entire year of freedom because the courts have higher priority things to do than trying the former president, like taking away rights.
Prompt engineer is the next soundcloud rapper or instagram model.
“we wont use cluster bombs anymore…we wont use them any less either”
I guess she found a way to make money on a book nobody is buying after all.
by actually going out and doing something to undo the damage, like voting against those who support these policies. making a bunch of people sad about the situation makes their story told but all it does is make sure that story will always be told. ‘raising awareness’ is useless if thats where you stop. everyone is aware of the abortion situation going on, it literally affects everyone who can reproduce. i definitely get where youre coming from but at some point the only people these stories are “helping” are the people at CNN collecting ad money from all the clicks. thoughts and prayers never actually helped anyone. plus the idea that CNN would want to help out in this situation is laughable, they thrive on conflict.
the media constantly reports on mass shootings and has done nothing to stop them it has only normalized the behavior, now nobody gives a shit. im not really sure how anyone constantly being exposed to the same situation wouldnt eventually normalize it. i stand by the women who are pro-choice but this isnt helping the situation at all its just giving CNN more ad money.
i just wanna make it clear that i dont think what this 45 year old woman is doing is pathetic, i think cnn pretending this story is news is whats pathetic. its exploiting all the anger for the abortion laws. someone in the comments below said its to prevent normalization but seeing articles about this exact situation over and over again is doing exactly that.
Lenny = white Karl = black
damn is a news article gonna be made everytime some rando leaves the state to get an abortion? i get that the abortion thing sucks but pretending like this is news still its kind of pathetic.
his first and last name ending in S made me think there was more than one of him.
ill never understand when people use whataboutism to excuse awful behavior instead of condemning it. “well the liberals didnt do anything either!” is such a weird way to support insitutionalized pedophilia networks. we should be crufiying these pedos without any consideration of what party they are in. lets un-normalize conservatives supporting pedos that align with them politically. ive never seen such a group of people get so worked up over touching kids and then completely gloss over it when its one of their guys doing it. a conservative would shit their pants if they thought a liberal had to smell it.
i got a court order that says he cant eat shit anymore.
the emotional resentment comes from the perpetual victim mentality. the only way their way of life works is if they are constantly under attack by a villain of the week thats simultaneously incompetent and feeble but also sadistic and near unstoppable.