Holding their own accountable? No way
The down-votes are from pastors awaiting sentencing for pedophilia.
Because if they did that, there’d be nothing stopping anyone from holding the GOP accountable for its pedophile problem.
Far easier and safer to point the blame at the LGBT+ crowd. Be seen as “tackling the problem” by your own while actually solving nothing - the typical Conservative MO.
DAE conservatives bad???
I mean, yes they are bad, especially in this respect. They love to attack the LGBT as groomers, but love to keep the real groomers in power in their party or church. Or do we need to remind everyone about Dennis Hastert, or the long (, long long, etc) list(s) of republican sex pests and pedophiles?
I mean oH nO, wHy ArE wE AtTaCkInG InNoCeNt ConSeRvATiVeS??
Accepting the risk that you’re not looking for a good conversation, you can just block this community if you don’t like these kinds of memes.
While, yes, everybody knows Catholic priests abuse kids or excuse priests abusing kids, being annoyed that somebody calls them out still (because they aren’t getting punished) is never the wrong thing. Instead of getting annoyed that people are still complaining about something bad happening, be annoyed that bad people are still enabling them.
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What’s the purpose of calling out conservatives? Liberals have done zero to address the issue as well. In fact if you leave out the church, they are way worse. Look no further than Hollywood
Exactly. Conservatives will completely ignore the fact that churches harbor pedophiles while trying to deflect and label others as hypocrites.
ill never understand when people use whataboutism to excuse awful behavior instead of condemning it. “well the liberals didnt do anything either!” is such a weird way to support insitutionalized pedophilia networks. we should be crufiying these pedos without any consideration of what party they are in. lets un-normalize conservatives supporting pedos that align with them politically. ive never seen such a group of people get so worked up over touching kids and then completely gloss over it when its one of their guys doing it. a conservative would shit their pants if they thought a liberal had to smell it.