Completely agree. I’ll never pay for entertainment, with the sole exception of videogames and the rare content creator I want to support. Everything else, I’ll do everything in my power to have offline and backuped so I never lose access.
Completely agree. I’ll never pay for entertainment, with the sole exception of videogames and the rare content creator I want to support. Everything else, I’ll do everything in my power to have offline and backuped so I never lose access.
Lol, “You can up your spaghetti game by mixing in a… Um… A full pizza with it.” Honestly suprized that would taste good at all, but then again that’s basically just alphredo sauce cooked in a different mannor.
Mostly, I just don’t know much about hardware in general. I’m sure I could follow a tutorial online on how to put it together, but I don’t know much about what I’d need to buy in the first place.
I’ll look online and see what I can find though, this does seem like what I’m going to have to do to get the specs I want.
If this isn’t the right community to post this, please let me know, and I’ll take it down. I don’t want to cause any trouble, I’m just looking for help. I’m really new to this kinda stuff.
I’m using Btrfs. I’m not that experienced with Linux, does that kind of thing usually cause issues?
I’m running ublue-os/bluefin-dx:latest It’s an offshoot of Silverblue
I’m running ublue-os/bluefin-dx:latest It’s an offshoot of Silverblue
I haven’t tried any of the other versions in a while, mostly because it takes forever to install, but I can do that. I’ll point out that this issue has been going on for years, and I had issues with all variants of steam I’ve tried before.
I’ll download steam a few other times from various package managers to see if any of them work now that some time has passed. In particular, I’ll try rpm-ostree layering, docker, and nix.
I’ve tried installing steam a few different ways.
First, I tried installing with nix.
nix profile install nixpkgs
resulted in an error about non-free software that couldn’t be bypassed, so I tried devbox global add steam@latest
which did work, but only in so much as it installed. It failed to launch steam, never mind any games.
Then I tried docker, since it’s what I used prior to flatpak. I first ran
podman pull ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite-arch-gnome
ujust distrobox bazzite-arch ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite-arch-gnome
This functioned well, but had the same exact problems as the flatpak version.
I was unable to install the rpm-ostree version. Apparently, Bluefin doesn’t include it in the default repositories.
I did test to see if ‘brew’ had steam in its packages, but unfortunately it didn’t.
I added some system details to my original comment, if your still interested. I also included the logs from when I tried to run Titanfall 2
Sorry, Flatpak
I edited my original comment to contain some other system information and the logs.
Sorry, forgot about that. I’m using the latest steam beta, at the time of writing.
I’m using Proton Experimental. While I have checked ProtonDB, I wasn’t able to find a solution.
I did find that quite a large number of people suggested I put the following in the launch options:
for var in $(printenv | cut -d= -f1); do export $var=$(echo ${!var} | rev | cut -c1-1000 | rev); done ; OPENSSL_ia32cap=~0x20000000 %command% -window -noborder
But it didn’t change anything.
There are a bunch of games on steam labeled as “playable”, but that silently fail when I attempt to launch them. Always the same issue, and it isn’t specific to a single game. Binding of Isiac was one of these until recently, where it mysteriously fixed itself while I wasn’t paying attention. Titanfall 2 is another, which I’m still struggling with.
If anyones interested, I’ll copy paste the steam logs. I’m typing this from my phone, so I can’t do that from here.
Fair enough. I’ve never been, don’t much like coffee, and I can’t say I ever plan to go there. They don’t sound like the most pleasant of places to relax in.
I don’t think I’ve ever checked, but I can get behind that. I’d rather not die because a company decided to cut corners.
Completely inexcusable. How people can get away with this kind of behaviour is beyond me.
Huh, I didn’t know about that. I only bought mine because they were the only ones the store offered, but I guess I’ll try to find another brand when it comes time to replace them. I’ve been meaning to get a new NAS sometime anyway, so that’s a good excuse as any to do so.
Good enough for me, I’ll avoid them in the future.
Relatable. I’m in a pretty Apple heavy area, so I’m in the minority in my dislike of anything Apple. At least they are easy to avoid, with how obvious they make their branding.
A IP68 e-ink Linux phone with both wireless charging and induction charging (to charge other devices), no cameras at all, solar panel on the back, usb-4 and headphone jack, 1TB storage , 15’000 mAh battery, two separate WiFi cards (to allow simultaneous hotspot and client use), and finally a radio transiever for both short range comms and long range AM and FM radio.
Technically possible with current technology, but as far as I can tell, completely unavailable in the consumer market.
Price, size and weight are irrelevant for all usecasses of such a product, as far as I’m concerned.