Just buy them from the vending machine.
Just buy them from the vending machine.
Not really a sim, but def a fan of space games. Void Crew has been great.
Do you prefer phone calls? (This is a honest question)
When my (then) 4 yo was undergoing chemo I had a goto line I used often when people would comment on my mask:
You’re right. I should let my kid who has no immune system because he’s on chemo for cancer treatment just die then, right?
Honestly, if you’re still masking and get flak, just say the above anyhow. You have my permission.
And yet…
Rules for thee but not for me. Same as always.
He was agreeing with you…
I think I phrased this badly. I wanted effectively a digital filing cabinet software with OCR/tagging—not just OCR alone. It looks like paperless-ngx ticks all those boxes.
This does sound great. I really do want to move bills older than 6 months (and other records in general) backed up to my PC as well as cloud storage.
Do you have any recommendations on this sort of thing? Ideally, something that scans with OCR and makes things searchable. Failing that, I may have a project for myself to do…
Try flying Spirit—not everyone has money for a normal airline.
Negative pressure room (fan air outside) for the person sick. Positive pressure (fan air inside from outdoors) for the person not sick.
Mask, wash hands, keep distance.
The Human Horn is a strong aphrodisiac.
That’s not an apt comparison.
More like “we’ll have flying cars 50 years from now.”
If it “makes me feel better”, fine.
If it “makes it so I’m not contagious and won’t give you Covid”, no.
I posted that 10 months ago.
That being said, it seems to still work for me.
There’s conflicting stories. Some say “there’s a lot of sex” while others say there isn’t much at all, but people can’t help but take a condom because who wouldn’t want a condom from the Olympics as a trophy—doubly so if it’s labeled as such.
While the cones can only refresh at 70, your cones aren’t synchronized. You can “see” a lot higher.
It’s an unnecessary folder if you’re running 64-bit.
Off the top of my head: Supermarket Simulator and Void Crew. There’s more.