Either abroad or goose stepping through American city streets.
Either abroad or goose stepping through American city streets.
Chicago is actually a very safe city; but like all cities there’s crime, ineffective police, and shitty local news.
That said, you’re perfectly safe in most places. Even the historically dangerous neighborhoods are… complicated.
I’ll give you an example. I used to have a job that took me to North Lawndale a few times a week (you can look it up on your own, it’s bleak). Nothing ever happened to me or my car. Shit, it was more likely that someone would would approach me with concern and ask if I needed to be shown the way out of their neighborhood. That happened plenty.
All this to say, there are some absolute angels living in the “dangerous” parts of the city. And, when you live in one of those places, people in power treat you like a criminal from the moment you’re born. Which makes it no surprise that you’d eventually end up with a criminal record.
Get yourself the the Wieners Circle.
It’s worth the experience.
There’s a part of me that thinks blue states need to just rip off that band-aid and find new ways of paying for things.
I know it would be tough as hell to do, of course, but I’d love for my state to tell the feds to kick rocks.
He puts on an acting master class throughout.
The scene where he weeps over his son’s grave is straight up heartbreaking.
Individuals can do that, and they should if they feel like keeping MS.
Organizations are, unfortunately, probably going to remain stagnant and keep paying millions to for things that have free alternatives.
It’s actually really infuriating. When I was in grad school I filed an information request with the college to see how much they paid for access to Office 365 each year. This was in 2021 and they were paying 4 million a year. Meanwhile their grad student employees were all living deeply below the poverty line.
Individual users can make use of free alternatives pretty easily, but I’m not sure they’re actually the target for the price increase here.
Schools, governments, businesses, and other institutions pay wild amounts to MS every year.
Now that you mention it, I might be a bit off in my math. It’s not my best subject.
Thinking about it a little more, I probably made the account in 2006 or so.
Deleted my FB account just now.
I’d had the thing since 2003. It was the last non-fedi social media I was holding onto (the only way to keep in touch with certain people, and all that.)
I work in academia. I’m a lowly paid adjunct who teaches 8 classes across 4 schools to make ends meet.
In the lead up to this semester, each school has had a mandatory Zoom meeting to get everyone involved on the same page.
In all 4 instances, I sat there and fucking seethed watching people who make upward of 10 times what I do just endlessly fumble with the technology while saying nothing of value for 2 hours.
It’s honestly amazing just how inept the manager class is.
I’m honestly just deeply interested in this guy every time I hear about him.
Not because I think he’s smart, on to something, or at all worthwhile though.
It’s just…. Kind of morbidly entertaining to watch a man spend so much time and money to deal with an obvious and incredible fear of death.
He’s going to die some day, and probably from one of these things he’s paying for to avoid dying. It’s Qin Shi Huang shit.
And, ya know what? There are some truly wonderful and interesting works of philosophy dealing with his exact problem, but our boy is too much of a tech bro to even consider that someone may have found a way to deal with the fear of death a few thousand years ago.
So, fuck it, burn that cash bud.
Shit, if that’s not love then I don’t know what is.
The older I get, the more I feel like Chief O’Brien.
In, like, every way.
Somewhere, the one remaining user of Temple OS just woke up in a cold sweat.
I saw it in theaters and, yeah, I couldn’t tell you a single thing about this movie if my life depended on it.
I’ve been using Mint and Pop!_OS on two different machines for a few years.
Neither has really required much from me as the user, although I have needed to use the terminal once on each of them.
Personally, I really like the way Pop does window tiling and workspaces.
You mean ecards?
I feel old. Where are my pills?
They’re gonna wheel him into court strapped up like Hannibal Lecter.
Hey. Thank you for sharing this.
Websites like this are the good part of the internet.