I want to include how she died, as it showed just how courageous she really was:
Two months later, on 17 January 1944, Oktyabrskaya fought in another night attack. The battle would prove to be her last. The attack took place at the village of Krynki near Vitebsk. During the battle, she drove her T-34 about the German defenses, and destroyed resistance in trenches and machine-gun nests. The tank crew also destroyed a German self-propelled gun. Subsequently, the tank was hit by a German anti-tank shell, again in the tracks, and was immobilized. Oktyabrskaya immediately got out of the tank and began to repair the track, amid fierce small arms and artillery fire. She managed to repair the track, but she was hit in the head by shell fragments and lost consciousness. After the battle, she was transported to a Soviet military field hospital at Fastiv, near Kiev, and then to a military hospital in Smolensk, Russia. She remained in a coma for two months before finally dying on 15 March. She was buried with military honors at the Heroes Remembrance Gardens in Smolensk.
As well as this gem:
In 2014 US National Public Radio featured a cartoon of Oktyabrskaya to headline a story about “rejected princesses” that Disney and other storytellers had hitherto ignored.
I’ve got a copy of the book of rejected princesses!
That’s fantastic, and this book is amazing!
Meet Osh-Tisch, whose name translates to “Finds Them and Kills Them” in Crow. Osh-Tisch was an assigned-male-at-birth woman and was one of the last of the Crow Nation baté (Two Spirit spiritual leaders [what’s a Two Spirit?])—oh, and you can be sure, she earned her name.
Thank you so much for sharing this, it seems there are three books and I’m going to buy all of them!
They buried her in a garden? Smdh
Taylor “dont track my billionaire plane” Swift. She’s out of touch unfortunately.
No hate for Taylor Swift but she’s not even the baddest bitch on the radio…
This but with hate for Taylor Swift
Yeah, she’s maybe one of the least malignant of an entire group that desperately needs a French haircut, but she’s still among a group that desperately needs a French haircut.
A dragon that eats fewer villagers than other dragons still needs to be slain.
I think artists are not really included in the French haircut thing. It’s not exploitation when it’s your own work and you’re just a highly paid contractor.
There is no ethical way to become or remain a billionaire. Even if it’s more the product of a system than her personally, she’s still hoarding an unimaginable amount of resources and thus causing an unimaginable amount of suffering.
Dragons are cool don’t be a dick. Animal cruelty is not the way to deal with asshole billionaires
… I mean, no, not the dragon, but the rest of it, yes.
Which is Pink, obviously.
Pink is badass
What about the “Lady Death” a.k.a. the “Russian Bitch from Hell”?
She was initially assigned to digging trenches and communication routes, armed with a single RGD-33 grenade due to weapons shortages. In the second half of July 1941, a comrade was severely injured by shrapnel and handed her his Mosin–Nagant model 1891 bolt-action rifle. On 8 August 1941 Lyudmila experienced her debut as a wartime sniper when she killed two Nazi officers in Biliaivka at a distance of 400 metres.
When the Nazis and their Romanian allies overran Odessa on 15 October 1941, her unit was withdrawn by sea to Sevastopol, on the Crimean Peninsula, to fight in the siege of Sevastopol. There, she trained other snipers, who were credited with killing over 100 Axis soldiers during the battle. In May 1942, newly promoted Lieutenant Pavlichenko was cited by the Southern Army Council for killing 257 Axis soldiers. The number of soldiers Pavlichenko is credited with killing during World War II was 309, including 36 Axis snipers.
In June 1942, Pavlichenko was hit in the face with shrapnel from a mortar shell. When she was injured, the Soviet High Command ordered for her to be evacuated from Sevastopol via submarine.
She spent around a month in the hospital. Once she had recovered from her injuries, instead of being sent back to the front, she became a propagandist for the Red Army, where she was nicknamed “Lady Death.” (The Germans called her “the Russian bitch from hell.”) She also trained snipers for combat duty until the end of the war in 1945.
Or Major Marina Raskova, who formed the 588th night bomber regiment, the “Night Witches”.
She’s a fucking billionaire, damn right she’s a bad bitch, but clearly not in the sense that the OP was thinking.
Im no Swifty but has she
rallyreally exploited people to get to this level of wealth?Im just talking about the actual money here and not her carbon footprint or whatever.
Indirectly? Absolutely. Directly? Almost certainly, but it would depend on what you mean by ‘rally’.
Apologies for the typo, I meant really.
As to my understanding TS made so much money cause she couldn’t get her masters and so re-recorded them herself and her fans bought them. Essentially taking the lions share which would normally go to the record companies. I don’t see how that is a bad thing, but I’m open to learning how it could be.
You could argue she enables high ticket prices for concerts or whatever but again the artist is as beholden to TicketMaster and RockNation as the fans are.
I don’t know much about her charitable work, but I think if you’re a billionaire you could always do more, that said aside from giving it all away at once it’s pretty hard to lose money once you’re that rich.
She can certainly do more to be eco-conscious though.
I actually sound like I’m into her, which I’m really not. Just wanted a discussion.
Personally I think of she did something to deal with the absurd amounts of eco problems caused by her concerts and general mass flights she wouldn’t really have any issues, at least that I’m aware of. As far as billionaires go, not bad.
One hell of an environmental impact though.
To play devils advocate, if she needs to go somewhere for a concert, it’s not like she can just go to a normal airport like the rest of us. It would turn into an absolute frenzy and everyone would miss their flights.
Nobody doesn’t get that. To me, the point is she’d have to have a slower, smaller tour and apparently she wouldn’t accept that.
There’s no “needs to go somewhere”.
That doesn’t really solve the issue of literally millions of people wanting to see her perform. If she doesn’t go to them they will come to her, which obviously is not good for the environment either.
If a person takes two aircraft to a destination that’s excessive. That’s “fuck this planet and everyone on it, I’ve got mine and I’m fine” excessive
She could set her own prices for tickets on her personal site and tell ticket master to eat it.
Not really.
TicketMaster have a monopoly and with rocknation they control the venues too, so artists really have no choice otherwise they would be performing in local bars rather than arenas.
Cant remember which channels now but many people have covered this issue on YouTube and other places where you can learn more.
Where does her money comes from? People who overpay for what she sells compared to what it’s worth.
If they’re paying for it, then that’s what they think it’s worth. She’s not selling necessities.
By that logic, nothing is really a scam since people are just paying what they think something is worth.
Scams involve tricking people, and lying to them. Concert tickets involve saying “this is how much a ticket costs”. They’re not equivalent.
That’s just tricking people into thinking a ticket should cost that much.
Okay, buddy.
Wrong, that’s what they have been conditioned to believe it’s worth because that’s what things are priced at, it has nothing to do with their actual value.
You buy a Gucci handbag for 2k, it cost 50$ to make and sell, the rest is overhead going to investors. You think you paid a fair price because that’s what these things sell for but if you remove the leeches that have nothing to do with producing the good then you’re left with a 50$ handbag.
If someone is willing to buy something for $1 than it’s worth $1. If someone is willing to buy something for $1,000,000 then it’s worth $1,000,000. Even if it’s a single potato chip.
If a company produces a bag for $50 and sells it for $2,000, then the materials and labor were worth $50, while the completed bag, because a single person was willing to buy it for $2k, is worth $2k (even if its only worth that much to that one person).
If all that overhead paying the “leeches” went away and someone was still willing to pay $2k for the bag, guess how much the bag is worth. Hint: $2k.
How do I know? Because, if a thing sells for a price, that’s its price.
On the flip side, if all those leeches drove the price up to $2,001 and no one was willing to spend that much, the bag would not be worth $2,001 and the price would therefore have to fall. If the cost of the “leeches” was keeping the price above what people were willing to pay, the leeches would be fired and the price of the bag would drop, or the company / product will stop existing in its current form.
Are there more people who would buy a Gucci bag for $50 than for $2k? Absolutely, but why the hell would Gucci sell a bag for $50 when people are literally willing to pay $2k.
No one needs a Gucci bag, be it $1 or $1m. Gucci knows this, their customers (hopefully lol) know this, and yet $2k is still the agreed upon price, because it is paid by people willing to pay it.
You contradict yourself immediately in your first sentence. It can’t be both worth 1 and 2000 at the same time. Someone willing to pay a high price does not set that price for others. We are talking about setting fair prices, not just for a single outlier.
Your definition equates to “my wares are worth whatever I can convince someone they are worth.” Is that a fair way to set prices?
Your definition equates to “my wares are worth whatever I can convince someone they are worth.” Is that a fair way to set prices?
That actually hits the nail on the head and I believe that is a perfectly acceptable way to set prices for luxury items like a Gucci bag.
It can’t be both worth 1 and 2000 at the same time.
It can, because people value things differently. One person might not regard a single item as being worth $1 and $2,000 at the same time, but two people could. And, as long as both people exist, the guy who thinks it’s worth $2,000 is who the company is going to sell it to.
That’s where you’re wrong. It’s the frog in hot water thing that’s happening, prices artificially increase to feed the leeches progressively enough that people just accept it.
You’re a victim here and you’re defending it, it’s disgusting.
I’m not buying $2,000 bags lol
As I said further down to the other person. Artists are beholden to record labels, ticket master, and rock nation as the rest of us.
It’s the system that is broken.
Are you pretending she gives away her cut?
“Oh no, I have to keep these billions of dollars while the majority of people can’t imagine ever owning the place they live in!”
Fuck off, stop defending rich people, they exist at our expense.
I’m not defending per se. I was trying to have a discussion on whether there are scales to these people.
Yes, there is. There’s Elon who is worse than Taylor. Bezos, also worse. But there’s more in common between swift and musk than between swift and her fans.
The answer is no, to become that rich you need to not care a single bit about the rest of humanity.
Or conversely you have to place your own self worth so high that I would consider it a mental disorder.
Not really. What about someone like Notch? Sold Minecraft for $2.5B and became an instant billionaire, no exploitation there.
Now he became an asshole after the fact, but there has to be some people who can become extremely wealthy without taking from others. Sure once you get there by luck and hard work then you should be giving back.
What about the guy that Elon had issue with on Twitter from Sweden who sold something to Twitter and become very wealthy but wanted to pay as much tax as possible etc and just be a nice dude.
How would you feel if I started a tire fire in my backyard?
Fine. It would be a literal drop in the ocean compared to the pollution of massive corporations.
Banality of Evil
How can I ever expect the masses to do anything about corporations when they’re fine with their idols doing the same?
I don’t have idols, I was just interested in where people draw their respective lines.
You also excluded pollution as a valid criticism of her. Yes. Her CO2 footprint is a valid criticism.
I don’t even certain friends anymore because I don’t feel ok with burning that much fossil fuel just to have conversations that could be done online, but she’s fucking around in a private jet?
Find a woman who loves you enough to kill Nazis for you. <3
I’d kill nazis without love at all.
Shame, you could use some love for killing Nazis, it makes the society a better place if everyone can work the work they love to do.
❤️ Thank you Evil_Shrubbery ❤️
Idk as an AroAce the only love I need is my love for killing Nazis
I’d also submit La Maupin.
Wow, she needs a movie.
Hard agree.
Came here to say the same thing.
“Be gay, do crime.” - La Maupin
When a drunken onlooker proclaimed loudly that she was actually a man, she tore off her shirt, providing him ample evidence to the contrary. The heckler had no comeback.
The balls on this woman
This might be an unpopular opinion but…
Fuck Taylor Swift. I’m so tired of seeing her everywhere.
I don’t think wanting to fuck Taylor Swift is such unpopular an opinion…
So unpopular lmao
It isn’t as popular as it should be. Hollow pop culture is a disease. Especially when weird pop culture cult figures shovel their cult followers into genocidal/imperial politics with political endorsements, that’s the one that really gets me. People die.
TL;DR Letting celebrities of any stature dictate your direction in life/morals is fucking weird.
I’m a T-Swizzle fan. Her song lyrics “Anti-Hero” legit spoke to me on a weirdly personal level.
I still think that the worship of her is bizarre. When she publicly endorsed Biden/Harris, it was cool in a “Oh hey, this person that I like is on the correct side of history” kinda way. But the people who suddenly registered to vote because of it? That gave me a really weird/gross feeling.
Pretty much anyone who makes large (possibly life altering) decisions based off what a celebrity does gives me SUCH weird vibes. Its, for lack of a better word, cult-adjacent. And that phenomenon is a small part of why I’m so staunchly pro-public education.
That was not the correct side of history. The entire bipartisan political establishment in the U.S. is on the wrong side of history. That was my point. This political system is the center of a genocidal global empire and media figures and celebrities buy into fame in exchange for socially normalizing it to their followers.
More than half of the things I see about Taylor is people hating on her. If you really think she doesn’t deserve attention, don’t give her attention??
I am not giving her attention as an artist. I am describing the problem with pop culture figures enabling genocide and imperialism, and her actions doing so. It’s nonsense to say that if you have an ethical problem with what someone is doing, you shouldn’t talk about them - I could name a thousand politicians you’d never apply that logic to.
This has never not been a thing. Like people got so pumped for Franz Lizt playing the bugs bunny song in concert that it was literally classified as an illness.
At what level of fame do you believe a person loses the right to state their political opinion? Local TV star? Mid-range touring band leader? Or do they need to reach a certain social media following before their political opinions shouldn’t be heard?
I think I was very clear when I said the problem is HARMFUL political ideologies being promoted. “Genocidal, imperial politics” was the term I used.
Sure, but don’t invite the wrath of the swifties…
I present for your consideration, Lyudmila Pavlichenko, aka Lady Death, aka The Russian Bitch from Hell.
If we’re going to be talking about badass bitches, we can’t forget the Night Witches?
Fuck yeah!
There’s also literally any of the Night Witches on the Soviet side. I would include Joan of Arc, Captain Grace Hopper, Clara Maass, Ada Lovelace… basically any woman who actually did something.
In Iraq our guys responded to a supply convoy taking fire. Their commander, was standing in the open calmly firing her pistol and directing her drivers in an effective defense.
Or to use a non military example just walk into any fire fighting station with women on staff.
In the Saigon women’s museum I read about a older lady who would create mines from unexploded US ordinance and blow up US tanks with them. That’s pretty badass.
Taylor doesn’t even sing her own songs, for those $5,000 concert tickets.
Arent K-pop idols the same? The most popular musicians that focus on face than genre always have ghostwriters anyway
It’s not too surprising that Taylor does it. Far more shocking to me was proof (on the same YouTube channel) that Cliff Richard and Roger Waters also lip sync and have been doing it for many years.
bitch are you for real?
For 5k, I expect her to fuck me personally after the show, while she sings an encore.
But I assume the saudi prince money is a bit more than 5k
Next your going to tell me there are actors that don’t even write and direct their own movies! When will this senseless collaboration cease!?
ETA: $5k for a ticket is outrageous and absurd to be fair. And Taylor isn’t a “bad bitch” nor an enjoyable act imho.
If I go to a concert, I expect to hear the singers singing and instruments playing live, not miming to a recorded track. I know that Taylor writes, or is at least involved in creating, her songs, and I respect her determination to own the music she created.
The concert tour, however, is an expensive fraud. And if you talk to professional singers, they will tell you that it is ridiculous to expect anyone to sing for so long, so frequently. The human voice just can’t maintain that.
Lol, okay buddy, I get that you have a very strong opinion on this. And that I’m in the minority of folks when I say I don’t really care. But I just don’t agree that it is “expensive fraud”. It’s an entertainment production. EDM artists, for example, are always being called frauds because they “just play their laptops”, but folks still go to it for the experience and enjoy it. Movies were considered “less than Broadway” for much the same reasons.
I get that Taylor’s show creates the illusion of her singing the songs, and that offends you because it is just an illusion. But folks are paying for the event. You aren’t getting upset over her using stage makeup and effects, nor the myriad other ways in which the production creates “spectacle through illusions”.
If you want to go see someone impress you with their talent, that’s cool. People being good at things is super fun to watch. I just get tired of the whole “purity of the art” argument. Sometimes things can just be fun without a catch.
But I get that is just like “my opinion man”.
I get that Taylor’s show creates the illusion of her singing the songs, and that offends you because it is just an illusion. But folks are paying for the event. You aren’t getting upset over her using stage makeup and effects, nor the myriad other ways in which the production creates “spectacle through illusions”.
Swift is a singer and the main point is to hear her singing. The other stuff is to enhance the overall experience, but if she cannot deliver on the main attraction then I would consider that fraudulent if there was the expectation to hear her singing live. You’re right, though, most people paying thousands for tickets to her show only care about the event i.e. being there.
Eh, guess we have different expectations. I see the main point, the “art” of the situation, to be the spectacle of the event. But I can definitely see your point. People definitely do leave her shows thinking they heard her sing, and some would be quite disappointed to learn otherwise.
Anyway, now I’ve got an urge to find a concert tonight, so thanks for that! Have a good one.
No, but they do act. Which is their job.
Fair, and Taylor’s job is to bounce around on stage and hype up a crowd while lip syncing to music she sometimes writes. And much like the point of movies, the end goal of all of it is to put on a production that entertains the audience.
while lip syncing
yeah, the AI stuff probably has more soul.
Lol, that’s a take on the Turing test I hadn’t considered before.
I don’t necessarily disagree with Taylor in particular, just flagging the incorrect comparison.
If we say “she’s a performance brand, not a musician” then it just means people are paying a shitton of money to be in the same room as her vs paying for actual talent-based performance.
My favorite Filipino badass.
Nieves Fernandez
Nieves Fernandez, a school teacher-turned-Huk commander from Leyte, showing an American soldier how to kill Japanese soldiers with a bolo (Photo by Stanley Troutman courtesy of reddit.com) Nieves Fernandez is one of the lesser known Filipina guerrilla leaders. She is recorded by her peers and the local communities of Tacloban on the island of Leyte, as a simple Filipina school teacher who defended her homelands from the imperialist Japanese forces the moment her students were threatened to be taken away by Japanese soldiers. She was a skilled marksman and bolo fighter. Fernandez would gain the respect of native locals, lead men into battle, and was so successful in taking out Japanese patrols that the Japanese military stationed in the city, Tacloban, placed a 10,000 peso bounty on her head. Fernandez like many other guerrillas throughout the Philippines relied on makeshift weapons such as the “paltik” (a homemade shotgun made of gas pipes), bolos, homemade grenades (casings filled with old nails) and whatever items her 110 manned guerrilla unit could pilfer from the Japanese. Fernandez would live to be in her early nineties residing in Tacloban and would be survived by her sons and grandchildren. The only evidence of her heroics that survive remain in one photo (as displayed previously) and through a small 1944 American newspaper article depicting her guerrilla contributions prior to the arrival of MacArthur at Leyte.
Shit, if that’s not love then I don’t know what is.