It’s funny they call themselves Third Way when really they are the current way which is far right and center right, while trying to completely crush any possible third way.
Hold on tightly, let go lightly.
The Croupier in Croupier.
It doesn’t come with extra instructions, so it means what I want it to mean and someone else may have it mean something else entirely. For me it means hold on to the important things tightly while they are important and when they aren’t then it is time to let them and other things go.
Don’t carry things that don’t need to be held onto, especially if you can’t control them. I hold onto the memories of my sister both good and bad, I embrace the pain of her not being here anymore when they come, then I let the pain go because I keep ahold of the happiness she brought into people’s lives while she was here.
If people can’t be bothered to write anymore, then I will be very picky about what I read. I will probably do more research and make sure it is someone I trust to have written it themselves not relied on trash machines.
Can this be done for Burnout Revenge? It was the best game in the series before they had to waste everything they built making an open world racing game.
Movie run time is available online. Subtract that time from the show time of the next movie in the theater should give you an idea of how long the ads are going to be.
Tell that to Chandler Bing.
Get Musk a hot tub stat.
Has Israel sent over the shelters that they were 180,000 units short on last week?
Have they sent all the extra fuel they were short on sending?
I’d like to see a list of the shortfalls the Israeli government has on their side of the ceasefire deal compared to Hamas and dates of the shortfalls to see who was breaking if first and more.
Now just make him a single term senator.
That was won when Caitlyn was Bruce so did they really win it?
10 currently active trans women athletes that have gold medals. Make it impossible for them.
Jesters are the ones that tell the truth to the king without fear of execution. Trump couldn’t be a jester if he tried. He can’t joke or jape, he has nothing but hate in his heart.
Edit: I forgot to add that he is pathologically unable to actually tell the truth, the most important part of the jesters job.
Putin stand behind the man that stands in front of the president of the USA. Elon first, then Putin, then Dump.
What a democracy, the jewel of the free (market) world.
My buddy got me R2D2 this year, Chewbacca definitely took longer than R2D2 will in build time.
They aren’t using delay as a tactic, they are barely even out in the press calling this fascist coup out. They are so slow to react that they are still on sternly worded letters about things done on Jan 28th.
A dusting of durum Semolina on the bottom of the crust before you put it on the peel will make sure it slides off easy every time.
If they wasted everyone’s time then they would be just as bad as the fascists.
When Obama had a supermajority, the other spray tanned asshole John Boner(Baener) and McConnell worked together to make Obama look a fool and he ended up caving on a public option and failed until they lost their majority.
They spent years trying unsuccessfully to throw out the Affordable Care act more than 40 times, the Dems just want to fail because any success for the little people would mean less profits for their donor overlords.
What can they do?
According to their leader, Jeffries they aren’t in power. How about not show up and vote for fascist nominees.
Soon in America you will be pulling off the Goodyear highway system and turning into the corporate fiefdom of Mr Lee’s Greater Hong Kong, hoping you have paid your citizenship dues for the month so they don’t call the Rent-a-Copz and have you taken to the closest per hour private prison on a charge of illegal occupation.
These youths need a national jobs program, with training and then sent all over the country to repair and maintain the infrastructure of the country that is likely in disrepair.
Give people purpose and they might gain a drive to either do good at that job or do anything they can to get a better life outside of work.
As for the misogyny, make feminist pornography the only porn available at worksites. I don’t know, that one is a harder issue to fix.