Comforting and Terrifying.
Comforting and Terrifying.
So you won’t use your banks website?
Or your utilities (gas/water/electricity/internet)?
You won’t let your kids use the portal at their school for submitting assignments?
Your government sites for renewing your drivers license or scheduling hard refuse pickup?
I can think of lots of reasons that will force me to have chrome installed if this goes ahead.
I don’t know if Leo cares about that anymore. He’s been saying he’s done with Twitter for a few weeks at least.
At least a year.
But in a recent TWIT (2 weeks ago maybe), all of the guest panelists admitted that they were all still maintaining their followings on Twitter and hopeful that they could move to Threads.
It’s all just whores being whores, which is what Elon is relying on.
The US (which is where I assume you are), has the second largest one in the world in current operation:
Short answer, it scales fine.
Now you need to find someone to pay for it.
The Back to the Future trilogy is good for a re-view.
Yes, but you would be seeing ALL posts from everywhere your instance knows about.
I kind of like the idea of being on, filtering to say and getting it to show me local.
Or being able to simply get a list of every community on another instance.
These are cool ideas.
The first 90% of the task takes 90% of the time.
The last 10% of the task takes the other 90% of the time.
I mean yes, but that’s not a federation problem.
To completely strawman AND slippery slope what you’re saying:
As a car safety pro, who primarily deals with car crashes:
Agreed, dangerous, I don’t want numpties doing it.
But it’s a large part of why I have a car.
I want to be clear, that I disagree with his “federation is stupid” point, but email has problems right now.
Theoretically it’s federated, theoretically you can spin up your own mail server and self host.
But even if you do that absolutely perfectly (SPF, DKIM, DMARC etc), you can falsely end up on spam list, that effectively block delivery of your email to large segments of the network for days if not weeks.
Whilst theoretically federated, email falls under the broad dominion of google, microsoft and a couple of other large players.
JavaScript (TypeScript) has access to cookies (and thus JWT). This should be handled by web browser, not JS. In case of log-in, in HTTPS POST request and in case of response of successful log-in, in HTTPS POST response. Then, in case of requesting web page, again, it should be handled in HTTPS GET request. This is lack of using least permissions as possible, JS should not have access to cookies.
JavaScript needs access to the cookies, they are the data storage for a given site.
To protect them, the browser silos them to the individual site that created them, that’s why developers haven’t been able to easily load cross domain content for years, to mitigate XSS attacks.
The security relies on the premise that the only valid source of script is the originating domain.
The flaw here was allowing clients to add arbitrary script that was displayed to others.
You’re dead right that only the way to fix this is to do away with JavaScript access to certain things, but it will require a complete refactor of how cookies work.
I haven’t done any web dev in a few years, this might even be a solved problem by now and we are just seeing an old school implementation. 🤷
I never owned a console, but I distinctly remember playing this, so there must have been a PC port some time in the early 90s.
Classic game.
The condescension in that makes it clear that the smug social network is whichever one the author happens to use.
Threads will mainstream threads.
Any good content here will be available to the Threads users, who will be oblivious to where it is coming from.
Eventually, Meta will take steps to break compatability, and lots of the most prolific contributors from here will move to Threads exclusively (for a host of valid reasons).
When it is no longer in Meta interest to federate, they will stop.
The fediverse will continue, but it will be weakened by it’s temporary reliance on Threads (who could afford to host large images/videos/etc, have lower latency, etc etc).
Individual instance owners can do literally whatever they like.
Put up ads.
Charge a subscription.
Let’s say instance A is hosting a community that everyone on instances B and C love to participate in.
But A want’s to earn some money so they start charging access to their local users.
This doesn’t effect users of B and C at all, because the data is federated.
The owner of A get’s grumpy and defederates B and C.
The users on B and C find somewhere else, either on one of their instances, or on D.
Everybody wins.
I’m not goin to shit on Briar, I hope they build out their dream.
It’s fundamentally not as easy to use.
My Grandma already has a phone with a full addressbook.
If she’s told to install Signal, it’ll just work as a drop in replacement for iMessage.
Briar meanwhile suggests sharing your contact info using another such as signal: you choose “Add contact at a distance”%2C Briar,choose a nickname for them.
Briar is chasing different goals.
That single point of failure is to facilitate ease of use, with minimal reduction in security.
The messages are e2e encrypted and the server is designed in such a way that attempting to listen in would bring it down.
The signal org doesn’t even have your address book.
If your concern is “I don’t like signal”, you’re not going to make much traction. just worked for me, and if this is an attempt at guerrilla marketing your community, well played.
I also use this.
Have had to update it in tiny ways in the last ~ 7 years?
I prefer side because they keep the weight lower and allow me to more easily swing a leg over.
When I tour I need extra space, so I end up with both.
This whole episode is giving me flashbacks to the ActiveX days.
The tyranny of the default.
“Here mum, I’ve installed Firefox for you, it’s better than Chrome in every way!”
“My knitting circle website doesn’t work, I can’t download patterns, it says I need Chrome”
Internet Explorer was effectively abandon-ware for a decade after Microsoft used their OS pseudo-monopoly to crush Netscape.
It took another tech giant abusing THEIR monopoly to relegate IE to the trash heap it should have already been on.