Why just ruin a web browser when you can try and ruin the entire internet?
There will always be a free internet, but it will require leaving popular sites (if Google gets its way).
If they push a few million people to FOSS and we’re all just happily using Lemmy and Mastodon on Firefox in Linux, I’m ok with that.
if search engines that werent google didnt suck id be happy to use another one. even google is getting worse results now too but at least its usually wrong really quickly
Ecosia is pretty good, they plant trees with the money they get from your searches
Apparently now we have to pay for them if we want the to be good!
Very little of value will be lost.
And switching away from physical products like Logitech peripherals that are already forcing you to go to a site that only works in chromium browsers in order to pair.
If they push a few million people to FOSS and we’re all just happily using Lemmy and Mastodon on Firefox in Linux, I’m ok with that.
I suspect the websites that use this system won’t be worth visiting anyway.
So you won’t use your banks website?
Or your utilities (gas/water/electricity/internet)?
You won’t let your kids use the portal at their school for submitting assignments?
Your government sites for renewing your drivers license or scheduling hard refuse pickup?I can think of lots of reasons that will force me to have chrome installed if this goes ahead.
Your government sites for renewing your drivers license or scheduling hard refuse pickup?
As a government programmer, let me assure you that we’re so goddamn far behind modern tech we’ve only just stopped supporting IE6.
Comforting and Terrifying.
Terriforting?In all seriousness we make sure things work with modern browsers, but you’re never going to find a government agency requiring the latest and most advanced tech. For one thing, nothing in government moves fast enough to make that even remotely possible.
Also there’s no way I’m gonna learn how to use some new piece of tech every few months. They don’t pay us nearly enough for that kind of effort.
Terriforting in this case
Which government?
All of them
State of Nevada in my case, but I’ve worked with a lot of other state and federal agencies. Pretty much all of them are like that. At best their legislatures will get a wild hair and spend a bunch of money on some off-the-shelf “latest and greatest” product (not really, it’s usually something like Salesforce) and they’ll be top of the line for a few years, but when it comes to actually keeping it upgraded and cutting edge that never happens.
Lots of potential for accessibility lawsuits, too.
Good point. If it’s just some random website though, fuck em.
I work on the website for a medium sized utility, and will definitely resist implementing this.
I have been trying to convince my manager to let me switch to an authentication solution that supports webauthn, though.
A manager only has so much power. Once the higher ups decide on things, nothing can be done. And we see too much examples of executive level people that are so out of touch.
I was just thinking about this more, and what if Google decides to implement this on Google maps? Am I going to have to put a message up saying something like, “sorry, you can’t view our outage map unless you use a browser that supports web integrity”?
Because you’re right, convincing the higher ups to let me switch to OpenStreetMap is probably going to be a losing battle.
I can think of lots of reasons that will force me to have chrome installed if this goes ahead.
it might even go as far as being chrome on a supported OS (win/mac/cros/android with google play services)
Sigh, too true.
I’ll have a specific VLAN for people needing those things
Yeah, but if Chrome is only used for a couple of utility websites, it won’t be a win for Google.
This whole episode is giving me flashbacks to the ActiveX days.
The tyranny of the default.
“Here mum, I’ve installed Firefox for you, it’s better than Chrome in every way!”
“My knitting circle website doesn’t work, I can’t download patterns, it says I need Chrome”Internet Explorer was effectively abandon-ware for a decade after Microsoft used their OS pseudo-monopoly to crush Netscape.
It took another tech giant abusing THEIR monopoly to relegate IE to the trash heap it should have already been on.
More like “Don’t, be evil.”
Google: Don’t be evil to us
laughs in Safe Script
I haven’t had ads showing up in decades. I literally have all of the google addons for websites revoked, as well as every advertising outlet, don’t block the ads, block the javascript that services them.
got a tutorial or something for this?
These are the ones I use for their respective browsers. It is a bit of a pain the first time you go to a website, but you can get a LOT of insight into how “business” works online. Take some time and research what the various script origins are actually doing. It has been quite illuminating over the years to see what all of the scripts are doing. Secret redirects hiding in ads, background control scripts, data harvesting, etc. I have never seen a tutorial on it per se, but from my experience, things with “cdn” are usually hosting the media for the site as long as the domain is the same (sometimes not if they are pulling images from another source), anything with the word “ad” in it gets auto banned by me, and try to turn on as few things as possible to make the page work. I even somehow managed to block the in-video ads on Crunchyroll for a time. Don’t ask me how, I have never been able to get the event replicated on a friend’s machine.
Hope this helps.
Help us!
Seriously, post directly to the website, don’t bother to post it on another image hosting site.
For what it’s worth, I didn’t post it to imgflip; I created it on imgflip.
Here’s a downloaded and re-uploaded directly to lemmy.ml version, for posterity’s sake:
appreciate it, thank you
Any EU people around here that could eli5 this new thing and the possible consequences for EU residents using the internet?
Same as everybody else. No chromium for trusted DRM, no access. i am not aware of EU saying anything public about it yet, but you should fill an anti-trust complain to bring it to their attention. I already did.
Lol it’s like going back in time. I remember the days when sites wouldn’t support certain browsers because of differences in programming (accidental, if you will). Now, we’ve gone full circle and are intentionally blocking use of a site when not using a particular browser. Wouldn’t this be considered monopolistic?
My main browser is tor, blocks JavaScript so 🤷
I have Firefox but use it exclusively for school stuff that doesn’t work on tor
I mean, tor is also Firefox
You can also block js without getting tor.
NoScript gang
“I’m not using Chrome, I use Brave”.
My brother in christ, you are using chrome with a different color pallet and a different company that sells your dataMy brother in christ
What a weird place to drag your religion into things.
My brother in Christ, it is a meme
Don’t be evil, be shitty.
Don’t be just evil
So… if I’ve got my iPhone and Mac and use Safari and Firefox, I can still use Adblock?
For now, probably. Only a matter of time before most websites only work in chrome if they get their way, though.
Well, better learn how to make a raspberry pi adblocker then…
What is to be done, then?