You could try titanfall 2, its a bit dated but still has some players.
Supported with mods and custom servers with a client called Northstar.
You could try titanfall 2, its a bit dated but still has some players.
Supported with mods and custom servers with a client called Northstar.
Why does the author care about raytracing?
Hardly anybody uses raytracing on desktop why would they do it on a phone?
I have a 3080 but I never use raytracing because it’s not worth the loss in framerate.
Calcium carbonate, is the main ingredient in tums, and is the main component of limestone.
Only if it equally applies to men who get someone else pregnant out of wedlock.
Also it’s supposed to be federally illegal.
The federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (PDA) makes it illegal for employers with 15 or more employees to discriminate against women because of pregnancy, child-birth, abortion, or medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. Pregnant workers must be provided with the same benefits and accommodations and treated the same as non-pregnant workers who have similar abilities or limitations to their work.
Dont forget they removed a tank slot, greatly changing how the game was played. And IMO not for the better.
If they’re making record profits why did they decide to come to steam?
I think their player numbers have dropped and they’re trying to boost them.
From google intelligence is
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
ChatGPT is not capable of active learning so no.
If aliens can then yes.
I’m not even talking about human intelligence, most animals have some level of intelligence that chatGPT doesnt have.
ChatGPT is just very good at appearing intelligent.
It’s missing intelligence though.
ChatGPT uses machine learning to predict a sequence of words, but there’s no thought or understanding of the words.
But it’s text, an entire persons message history can be stored very cheaply.
A million words is only 2MB.
Most people are expexted to text less than 10 millions words in a lifetime.
An entire persons lifetime message history is only 20MB, that’s trivial to store.
If they want to charge to save media, thats fine, but text backups should be free