We do not call it Reichskristallnacht anymore. We call it Novemberprogrome.
flew reddit, ran away from feddit, now I am here.
We do not call it Reichskristallnacht anymore. We call it Novemberprogrome.
Let’s see how many will vote for AfD soon. I am from Austria, and we got our own little Kickl, and his FPÖ. And they just got over 28%…
Let’s say ist a tien in our expectations?
Sadly, no.
So, here in good ol Austria, when we go to an US/UK/Irish pub and order a pint we always get 0,5L and for a 1/2 pint we get 0,33L.
We are allowed by court to call members of the FPÖ Kellernazis (people who are secretly Nazis when drinking with their buddies under the cellar) the FPÖ will most likely be the strongest party after the next Nationalrats election on September 29th. They will have something between 30 to 35% which is pretty strong. They have actual plans in their program to overthrow governments via referendum of the public and other things. So yes, it fits.
You cannot distinguish selective bread organisms from gene edited (think CRISPR) organisms. You also do not get glow the dark rabbits from it. But you can get the same result as with selective breeding over countless generations in one generation.
Then again, depending on if you count CRISPR gene editing as GMO, the terminology fits perfect. CRISPR does exactly the same as breeding, just with perfection and knowing what happend on molecular biological level.
Paulinchen war allein Zuhaus, ihre Eltern waren beide aus,
oh, how do I love it!
I have seriously no idea, but can you take them out easily? If not, it’s a walled garden.
Russia is currently breaking the agreements made after they annexed Crimea.