The same reasoning with TAS also applies to Phase II and we might not have got TNG had Paramount not decided to turn it into TMP.
The same reasoning with TAS also applies to Phase II and we might not have got TNG had Paramount not decided to turn it into TMP.
And one of the main reasons for the writers going on strike.
My guess is Prodigy was cancelled because not enough of its intended demographic of kids and young teens were watching it.
Paramount probably found that too many of Prodigy’s viewers are adult Trek fans, especially fans old enough to have watched TNG/DS9/VOY back in the 90s and that’s when they decided to pull the plug since they’d rather have adults watching Trek like Lower Decks that’s specifically intended for that demographic.
I also assume Nickelodeon came to the same conclusion and told Paramount they have no further interest in Prodigy.
I assume the restored Enterprise-D was lightly loaded and only had the bare minimum needed for it to operate and didn’t have most of the working facilities of a fully-manned Galaxy class ship and there would have been a lot more power reserves available that allowed it to pull off crazy maneuvers.
Many areas of the ship likely didn’t have life support and inertial dampeners would have only been used in parts of the ship that were habitable like the Bridge.
In other words, the restored Enterprise-D is a stripped-down hot-rod.
I wonder what type of foreheads Kang, Kor and Koloth will have if any of them show up in SNW?
All 3 of them had smooth foreheads in TOS, but later showed up on DS9 in S2’s “Blood Oath” with the TNG-era Klingon ridges.
I have the feeling Pike’s Constitution class ship wasn’t the first active-duty Starfleet ship named Enterprise Pelia sat foot on.
Pelia could have been working with Starfleet during the 2150s and she assisted Archer and his crew on the NX-01 Enterprise at some point prior to its decommissioning in 2161.
Pelia being around in the 22nd century also brings up the opportunity for references to ENT in SNW.
With the planned Phase II series that’s a follow-on to TOS and TAS becoming TMP.