Myers adds, “Honestly, I like to imagine that Klingons are a diverse species, and that means there are many different looks the Klingons have. It’s that simple.”
Kinda sums it up nicely.
Kind of like how in the first season of Picard they say that the Nero-like Romulans are from the northern parts of Romulus.
Yep, I like this. There’s plenty of room for lots of Klingons styles… makes the Star Trek universal feel bigger
TLDR: They wanted their own version that is more old school but not contradicting Discovery, and it made production easier.
“We don’t discuss it with outsiders.” – Worf
That’s all the explanation I require.
I honestly think these Klingons were a perfect mix of TNG & Discovery Klingons.
I won’t judge Discovery for taking a swing as they say, they had big ideas and went for it. Fair play. While I never minded the rework as much as some others perhaps, I did think they went a bit far and it was too much unto Orcs territory. I do think their intial compromise in season 2 of disc was already pretty fine by giving them hair back and kinda soften their features to look less Orc like.
But having seeing the latest version, I do think that SNW have got right here. I do however hope that the Klingons keep some of their traits from disco in other respects. Mainly not being all about GLORY at all times and always act like a bunch of old, drinking sailors.
Discovery did some really interesting things with Klingon culture. I dearly hope L’Rell pops up on SNW.
Same. I hope we have not seen the last of her.
At one point in the episode I thought she would. I’m kinda betting she’s a surprise cameo this season if they’re doing a Klingon/Federation/Gorn “threat of war” story. Imagine she shows up to find a way to secretly aid Starfleet like she did for Disco S2 finale.
Assuming she remains in power, they’re going to have to have her openly turn on the Federation at some point, in order to establish the TOS cold war. I hope we get to see how that comes about.
Yes L’Rell was a pretty memorable character and the actor is very cool
They look a ton better. Never was a fan of the S1 DSC design, but got used to it pretty quickly after episode 3, I think. But by the time they got hair in S2, I thought that they definitely were returning to a more classic TMP era look, but still distinctly DSC in design, maybe a bit less alien looking than before, but not by much. But these are the Klingons I wanted to see back, updated enough to give it some more detailed looks, but still strongly reminiscent of the TMP-TNG era ones we grew to love. Not sure about seeing the augmented ones though, not unless they are given slight ridges or something, similar to General Chang in ST6.
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I think they look really great. This is the best they have looked in all of the newer Trek stuff. They just look slightly modernized, but look and act exactly like the Klingons we remember. This episode wasn’t perfect, but the Klingon unboot was.
They feel closest to the TOS cast movie era. Long uncomplicated hair, thin mustaches, simple forehead ridges. It felt like a good compromise.
biggest mistake DS9 made was not putting Worf in TOS make-up.
the audience will understand
It was all tied up in a nice little bow by Enterprise until Discovery decided to change them again though.
The idea that people thought they needed to explain the different Klingon makeup because of a throwaway joke in a comedic episode is honestly crazy
Enterprise was the one that tried to explained it, but otherwise agree. Discovery seems to have retconned the explanation though.
I’ve never been certain of this, but does ENT kinda say that the Klingons in tos were augment Klingons? But without the augment improvements?
@worfamerryman @ValueSubtracted Yeah, they’re descendants of the Augment Klingons, but evidently there was an effective treatment that restored them to regular Klingon appearance by the 2270s.
Thanks. The augment Klingons did not have the augment powers right? They just looked like humans?
Yeah, that’s why the general was pissed at the end. He wanted to stabilize the augments, but instead the doc created a cure with the side effect of still causing the dermal disfigurement.
I wonder if they’re going to show any augment virus smooth headed Klingons at some point!
Their head shapes still look a bit discovery inspired, which was a nice touch.
I wonder what type of foreheads Kang, Kor and Koloth will have if any of them show up in SNW?
All 3 of them had smooth foreheads in TOS, but later showed up on DS9 in S2’s “Blood Oath” with the TNG-era Klingon ridges.
One will be TOS style, one will be TNG, and one will be DSC. Just to mess with us.
Fuck it, I wouldn’t even be mad at such an epic act of trolling.
As for why? They do not discuss it with outsiders.
And Worf showing up just to say “We don’t like to talk about it.”
@Lyon_Wonder @ValueSubtracted if I remember correctly someone asked Worf about it and he said “we don’t speak about it”. This was in DS9.
Kang was also shown to have ridges in the Voyager episode “Flashback” which took place during Star Trek VI.
We technically saw A Kor in DSC season 1, but not our Kor we all grew to love.
I absolutely hated the angry Disco blueberries with noses in their noses who couldn’t talk properly through their fake teeth. I was so happy to see them go back in the right direction on SNW.
Not that they would, but I wish they would redo those Discovery scenes with the ST:SNW S2 version.