That ghost is wife material
For this you would need an app (could be a web app) which lets you interact with lemmy as a mastodon user. The problem here is the UI and the format of the data. Currently format is something can’t really help.
But find a UI app which lets you comments and follow through any mastodon/lemmy instance and display posts in lemny style.
LLMs are just matrix arithmetic which has a lot of parameters which represent the english words meaning in 100+ dimensions
!Watched two 3blue1brown videos to come to that!<
I feel like this is a reference to something but can’t quite firgure it out
Tarball with gzip
Means sonic is like a zipbomb here
There are 2⁶⁴ genders
Can somebody figure out if any of the pieces can escape? Seems to secured properly and at the same time seems like hasn’t been secured.
How the hell is the person in image holding the paper bruv? Is he/she mad?
Billionaires are billionaires because there are few who are billionaires. If everyone was a billionaire then nobody would see billionaires in awe but would see billion billionaires in awe. This is just a consequence of our social behaviour as being different always has a different response.
What I am saying is, billionaires are billionaires because not everyone is a billionaire and everyone is low compared to them.
!Note: I am not talking about “depriving people” topic. That’s different. !<
I didn’t remember the scale, I just picked a number from my head
I meant induce so much unwanted voltage that the voltage regulators can’t even handle, killing all electrical supplies
As some pointed out, 10¹⁰ T is too much, I think 10 T will do
I know it’s fake but not AI
Trying to use linux like windows is not always a good idea. Just like macbook cannot be like windows. Every OS will be different, they should accept this.
Although I get it, terminal in linux may not be everyones taste. I would suggest distros which let you do terminal stuff from GUI application. Like in linux mint, software updates can be done through GUI.
You should tell them to use linux without terminal for a while. As they use and get acustomed to linux, then just teach them that sometimes, they have to use the terminal when looking for solutions online. You should slowly teach them differences from windows.
They might want to run windows apps in linux. You may install bottles for them but always remind them that linux is not like windows similarly macOS is not like windows. Remind them switching to macOS will have similar problems as switching to linux. Try to download alternative for those apps which can run in linux.
For this I would suggest linux mint, ubuntu, pop os or any linux distros which dont require much terminal use and have more GUI for it. Remember to show some other linux stuff which are not found in windows after a while and teach about linux in a slow pace as they use.
They should get experience using linux in a slow pace, or they might get overwhelmed
So I have been fooled?
I think you are everythingsexual