In all honesty I swapped from a Titan X (2015) to a 3080(2020). That was a 5 year gap and it’s right there again but haven’t needed anything more for anything I play. Pretty sure I’ll likely just buy a used last gen card whenever it is I need another one. Which will likely be far easier to get as everyone kills themselves for the new gen while also being cheaper. It will still be a noticeable upgrade to me. Don’t understand the need to upgrade every year or every other year even. The improvements are so small between gens now.
Took a bit to get the 3080 founders that I needed to physically fit my case and never again…it’s just not worth the headache.
Tennis has a long history of ‘Battle of the sexes’ matches.
We’re still talking about professional athletes though…. If you were good enough to beat any of them then why the hell are you not doing exactly that?
Edit: formatting…