I think so. Fuckin RIP, Satoshi Kon.
Yup, I saw this and wondered if anyone knew. I’m not good at these, but this one hit me as soon as I saw it.
What if dreams were real?
Dreams are real. Have you not had any? I definetly recommend you try sleeping, it seems like it might be what is causing these dreams.
I literally just finished watching it.
So many weird coincidences today, and this is not even the most incredible.
Parika is probably my favorite anime movie (perhaps even movie in general). Incredibly visually stunning and cerebral.
Every Frame a Painting has a great video about the director Satoshi Kon’s unique style and influence on other filmmakers. Made me appreciate the editing and imagery even more.
They released this on 4K with HDR(Dolby Vision) fairly recently. The special features go into how they remastered it and brought in people from the original crew to get it just right. They use HDR to mute the colors for the real world and saturate them for the dream world. Also has a Dolby Atmos track for the Japanese audio. Listening to them go on about the confetti was interesting.
Am I missing something, or are you confused by the ice ball?
It’s an actual thing. Supposedly it makes your drink both very cold and doesn’t melt as fast but it sure seems to me like a way for bars to charge you the same price for half the drink.
Supposedly it makes your drink both very cold and doesn’t melt as fast
It definitely doesn’t melt as fast because it has less surface area than a bunch of small ice pieces. However, all ice makes a drink equally cold given enough time. The faster the ice melts, the faster your drink gets cold. So if you use a very large cube of ice, your drink will not get as cold as quickly due to the smaller surface area.
R.I.P, Mr. Kon.