Ah, so not the scent-memories that were triggered in me then. Different Nintendo scents, makes sense.
Ah, so not the scent-memories that were triggered in me then. Different Nintendo scents, makes sense.
suddenly tastes like a Nintendo Switch cartridge.
Fuck. I know this smell. You just triggered NES and Super Nintendo memories in me. Never played Switch but I’m assuming they’re about the same.
I’ve started doubting her since she voted to make a railroad strike illegal, which essentially pulls the teeth from their union. Pro-worker indeed.
This lawsuit was headed by the AFL-CIO, which is a union of unions.
I was at my monthly meeting last night until 7:45, the meeting started at 4:30. Lots of people were concerned and discussing the attacks on the NLRB, DoL and OSHA; concerned about this administration’s anti-worker tilt.
When I worked at night it was the only place open 24 hours. Now the one by me doesn’t even have that going for it.
Wow, the point and proof you asked for sailed clear over your head. Guns aren’t allowed in schools yet somehow they’ve still turned into unarmed victim zones, leading to the statistic you cited. Murder is illegal yet kids are getting killed with guns, in schools where neither are allowed.
Every school shooting?
I’m sure all those old European royal families are going, “Yeah, yeah, it’s those tiny middle of nowhere American towns where the inbreeding happens. Not here. Never here.”
I’m glad I’m a lucid dreamer.
Wait, that means I’m dreaming.
This is my mind. Now I make the rules. Oh no, Freddy, you’re in my world.
But it’s not Westworld is a theme park where you cosplay; like Disneyland but you get to be a character. Video games are more like interactive movies. It’d be like saying paintball is the same as Call of Duty. One is much more interactive. It’s too much of a stretch, it’s too broad.
Sounds perfect for watching later tonight.
*As described above, It’s nothing great, but not the worst movie I’ve ever seen either. Worth your time if you like those old spaghetti westerns.
Yeah, this person has never seen Westworld, the show or movie, or they completely missed the plot.
This is the first time I’ve seen this spelled out and it makes perfect sense.
Like Gandalf said,
“Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”
But that’s ignoring certain aspects. If some blue collar fella had spent his free time and money fixing his dad’s old Camaro, a car dad bought for 4,000. Now it’s still well maintained, numbers matching, original paint, etc. now it’s worth 30,000, 40,000 maybe.
Then we have some other c-suite exec in a Tesla of similar market value.
Parking fines based on vehicle value is going to penalize one person much more than the other. Fines should be based on income or total net worth, not the value of a particular piece of property.
That was difficult to type with sticky BBQ fingers.
Which one is that? The one you made up or the one that was famous for it and needing the drive motor replaced over a dozen times?
Except Honda and those Civics have established a reputation of running forever. Tesla cannot claim the same.
What are hexbear and lemmygrad?
Dammit, you stop that.
Except only one of those systems depends on the exploitation of the working class, ya know, your breeding live stock. Only one of those system destroys a work life balance. Only one leaves the population with little free time and shrinking resources with which to have and raise a kid. Japan is past, and the US is passing, the tipping point. Society may deem it necessary but the potential parents recognize it as untenable.
What happens when the orphan crushing machine has no orphans?