If you mean westworld the tv show then I must have missed the robot level in red dead.
Hmm, maybe Mika was a robot all along
i think OP meant that a player can act out a (violent) Western fantasy in Red Dead / WW and a futuristic fantasy in Cyberpunk/ Futureworld.
There actually is a side quest in RDR2 where a scientist type person is building a steampunk robot. Can’t remember if it was SP content or an RDR:O thing, though.
It was a remote controlled boat I believe
There was the rc boat mission which was the first encounter. The second encounter you meet the robot at the scientist’s lab in the north east of the map
The robot is the computer you’re playing it on.
Yeah, this person has never seen Westworld, the show or movie, or they completely missed the plot.
I think you may have misunderstood, not the show Westworld, the theme park (Westworld) within the show.
But it’s not Westworld is a theme park where you cosplay; like Disneyland but you get to be a character. Video games are more like interactive movies. It’d be like saying paintball is the same as Call of Duty. One is much more interactive. It’s too much of a stretch, it’s too broad.