Hey one of the bugs I reported made it onto the list! Nate Graham is incredibly based.
Hey one of the bugs I reported made it onto the list! Nate Graham is incredibly based.
When I fully switched 2 years ago, I thought I’d try doing all my gaming in Linux and was really anxious wondering which and how many games I wouldn’t be able to play. Imagine my surprise when all of them ran. I haven’t found a single game I couldn’t get running. Hell, I even beat one I couldn’t get running in Windows! That being said there’s a bug preventing VR from working that I’m a little sad about. Apparently Steam only supports Ubuntu, I use Endeavour.
Of course he does, there’s not a single historical event that he understands. Even recent ones that children remember clearly.
Bash was the first language I learned, got pretty decent at it. Now what happens is I think of a tiny script I need to write, I start writing it in Bash, I have to do string manipulation, I say fuck this shit and rewrite in Python lol
You may be interested in https://lemmy.world/c/leftymusic and also fuck spotify.
Rule 8? This has nothing to do with PC gaming. Glad he got banned though, fuck 'em.
We currently have a woman president. Trump signed an EO saying that all Americans are female so he’s the first woman president.
I wish everything was put into ~/.config or whatever the proper place was. Oh you’re used to your ssh config being ~/.ssh as it has for years? So make a symlink! Everyone wins.
Saar, why did you redeem?
I stopped listening to this nazi long ago because he doesn’t know anything about anything, including about himself.
Why look at anyone’s genitals? It doesn’t matter since Trump declared that everyone was born female, right?
protip: put bind -s 'set mark-symlinked-directories on'
in your ~/.bashrc
and also bind -s 'set completion-ignore-case on'
because why not :)
We had the same exact issue the first time around, nobody cared because it was “the bad people” being subjected to human rights abuses in Guantanamo.
Use it and redshift anyway, what kind of exploitable vuln could possibly be found in it?
Yes, I am. Any other questions?
The nice thing about Free software is that distros can fix these programs that store things in the wrong location. My Debian home is a lot cleaner than my Arch.
It hasn’t broken gzdoom, the only thing I use sdl2 for.
What about this one that you’re on right now?
I wrote my own rss reader for youtubue, so it does this digging for me when I paste in a channel link :)
Chicken nuggets.