Texan Republicans want to look at children’s genitals. Call it what it is.
The state with a measles outbreak is worried about the genitalia of student athletes.
I hope these people have short lives
I think they need to brain screen their politicians . Most have lost there brains led by Abbot.
I am sick and tired of the Texas governor not standing up for all Texans.
Well, he can’t stand so he just rolls over all the voices he can’t selectively hear.
Penis inspection day is real and it is coming for you.
They want to see my dick, they need to subscribe to my only fans.
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Informal inspections are currently a thing.
Why look at anyone’s genitals? It doesn’t matter since Trump declared that everyone was born female, right?
This is going to trickle down to the grade school level. Because there is no shortage of perverts who are willing to “save” the girls from the evils of possibly playing sports with someone with a penis by inspecting their vaginas.
I grew up in a pretty rural area in the south in the 80s and 90s. And if a girl wanted to play a sport and there was no girl’s team nobody gave a shit if they played on the boys team. If I were to go back now those same people would lose their mind over the idea.
A lot of them claim that they’re fine with girls playing on the boy’s team because somehow the boy’s team is open to everyone (Air Bud rule) but the girl’s team is just for “real” girls because they have an inherent disadvantage. And this is from people who claim to be feminists.
My father was a penis inspector, like his father before him. He had to work for years at a penis factory to get by, working long, hard hours. All while taking penis inspection classes at night. When he finally graduated, he said it was so satisfying to tell his boss he was quitting, and that from now on he would be inspecting his work. He went on to be the best penis inspector in our county, and oversaw Penis Inspection Day at 4 public schools and 7 private for over three decades.
The fact that they think they can automate this entire proud profession with one scanner in a public bathroom is an insulting joke. It’s a single camera! How will it check the underside of the shaft for melanoma? Can it check the foreskin for proper length and cleanliness?? How does it check erection durometer? Not to mention urethral diameter. For fuck’s sake.