You can comment there and I probably can see it. They can’t because they’re not pulling data.
Right now I’m working on supercover lines and implementing the fast voxel traversal algorithm. It’s a bit tricky to get working, especially since I found out my world origin was offset by 0.5f and that caused a lot of subtle bugs >:(
libtcod is the roguelike library. I know r/roguelikedev on reddit used to have an annual roguelike development tutorial using that
I really hope you find a way to re-federate. But they do have a point, open sign up is a a time bomb. Do you have any anti spam in place?
Yeah I’m all for love and peace but don’t mess with my monitors dude
Cool. What’s the admin’s home address? shows instances .works is connected to, but I’m not sure of a way to find other instances that blocked this one. Although if they blocked us, then they didn’t deserve us anyways :^)