What’s the one thing you’re procrastinating on right now? Maybe it’s a texture, maybe it’s an algorithm, or maybe it’s a storyline.
i’m working on getting a working demo of my game, it has 3D platformer elements and my friend just played it and said it felt unfair so i’m trying to figure out how to make it feel more “fair” ya feel
i think i want to add the ability to grab onto ledges, because the platforms are often like just barely overshot… but it looks like it’s not a very straightforward task
Right now I’m working on supercover lines and implementing the fast voxel traversal algorithm. It’s a bit tricky to get working, especially since I found out my world origin was offset by 0.5f and that caused a lot of subtle bugs >:(
I keep bouncing off my pet project. I’m a web dev by day so I tend to try to do browser based games. Right now I have a react game in mind but its been sitting awhile and dusting it off feels like too much work.