State capitols are a waste of fucking time. Go to DC
State capitols are a waste of fucking time. Go to DC
This is basically their “all fronts” approach to walk back perceptions. It’s about controlling the narrative so that it’s ingrained in the psyche that there’s an airs of illegitimacy around anything a minority does.
It’s entirely rooted in their supremacist playbook.
Something something DEI is to blame for this.
Clearly the infection came from illegals!
When is Cucklon Musk going to audit the PPP loans. I heard MAGAs loved that program.
If they get the clueigi. One dude stopped the 1% in their tracks for a few days.
This is pretty disingenuous, the vast majority of sickle cell cases are non-hispanic blacks. Hispanics and whites also get sickle cell. If you’re grouping all those ethnicities in there, you might as well include whites too.
We’re dealing with this because the union fucked up and didn’t see reconstruction thru after the civil war.
We had fucking military bases named after confederate generals. That’s enough to tell you the identity of this country.
When the next Civil War happens, we don’t need any Biden fucking losers olive branching the losers. We’ve historically done this and what has happened so far? Next time the US beats the confederates, erase their fucking shitty culture of racism and hate.
The vote was down to preservation of democracy or end democracy and start FACISM. Murika voted for fascism.
Create conditions for “have nots” to be drawn to crime
Arrest them
Have a penal system that utilizes their labor
MAGA Paradise
What you people don’t understand is that this is the right wing plan to introduce neoslavery with extra steps. As they continue to gut the government and safeguards, they’re going to lean HARD into prison labor and detainment camp labor to replace migrant labor and working poor labor.
It’s based on their percept that they’re superior and the people that end up here are subhuman, so they deserve to be slaves to enhance their supremacy.
The MAGA Cult holy grail is when they can keep their careers intact after shouting the N-word in the capitol and say that they don’t care.
They’re almost there. Keep sleeping, murica
The left’s answer to the right’s 1950s is the 1960s approach.
Learn from the Civil Rights movement.
Next phase should probably be to protest at DC. Camp the fuck out there and strike as a nation until Dump is handled.
Take the 60s Civil Rights approach to this.
“Best eyes”
Adjusts glasses
The left needs to learn how to “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
Speaking softly alone gets you fucking nowhere. This is why the far right gains so much ground. They know the DNC and the apparatus of the left is toothless. All they do is browbeat.
If the DNC cannot bite back, it needs to die or else ethnic cleansing and genocide is inevitable in this country.
In the MAGA world, it doesn’t exist if you don’t track it.
Next pandemic is inevitable under trump and will be 🔥🔥 🔥
Guess we’re due for Tekken 50 boizz
Who wants to place bets that Musk starts making v8s to appeal to his new base
Why is it always these types of guys that are DINOs? The allure of the racist redneck lifestyle is too enticing?
Some Reddit users. Reddit was A/B testing a zuckservative sub Reddit ban, so spooked people probably. I found my way here thru a Reddit thread.
They need to fuck off and deal with the virus with their #masterrace genetics.
Make your bed, lay in it.
You don’t get to run to vaccines after you advocated for the dismantling of public health in this country. Let the virus destroy your worthless ass for being so stupid.