Trump evicted former Coast Guard Commandant Linda Fagan from her military housing with just three hours’ notice, despite an earlier 60-day waiver.
Fagan, the first woman to lead a military branch, was dismissed on Trump’s second day in office over concerns about DEI policies and border security.
Homeland Security officials cited her termination as justification, though sources called it a “petty” move.
Fagan was forced to leave most belongings behind, spending the night with friends while awaiting relocation of her personal items.
I guess her crime was to try to employ more people who weren’t cishet white men. Unforgivable to the fascists in charge. And anyway, they just get off on cruelty because it distracts them from the emptiness inside.
Given their recent demand that NASA remove information about “women in leadership”, it paints a pretty clear picture of why she was fired. Nothing to do with capability, competence, or any issues with her command.
Margaret fucking Hamilton, got us to the moon.
For those not in the know:
Here, Margaret is shown standing beside listings of the software developed by her and the team she was in charge of, the LM [lunar module] and CM [command module] on-board flight software team.
For those confused and thinking that the Wicked Witch of the West was somehow aging backwards after faking her death and escaping from Oz:
Your name is correct
deleted by creator
It’s almost like Hegseth was lying when he said he respected women in the military.
Her crime was being a woman to begin with.
Have you seen the list of flagged words for federal grants? It includes “female” and “woman”, but not “man” or “male”.
Here’s the list of words that will now get your scientific publication flagged for ideological review:
- activism
- activists
- advocacy
- advocate
- advocates
- barrier
- barriers
- biased
- biased toward
- biases
- biases towards
- bipoc
- black and latinx
- community diversity
- community equity
- cultural differences
- cultural heritage
- culturally responsive
- disabilities
- disability
- discriminated
- discrimination
- discriminatory
- diverse backgrounds
- diverse communities
- diverse community
- diverse group
- diverse groups
- diversified
- diversify
- diversifying
- diversity and inclusion
- diversity equity
- enhance the diversity
- enhancing diversity
- equal opportunity
- equality
- equitable
- equity
- ethnicity
- excluded
- female
- females
- fostering inclusivity
- gender
- gender diversity
- genders
- hate speech
- excluded
- female
- females
- fostering inclusivity
- gender
- gender diversity
- genders
- hate speech
- hispanic minority
- historically
- implicit bias
- implicit biases
- inclusion
- inclusive
- inclusiveness
- inclusivity
- increase diversity
- increase the diversity
- indigenous community
- inequalities
- inequality
- inequitable
- inequities
- institutional
- Igbt
- marginalize
- marginalized
- minorities
- minority
- multicultural
- polarization
- political
- prejudice
- privileges
- promoting diversity
- race and ethnicity
- racial
- racial diversity
- racial inequality
- racial justice
- racially
- racism
- sense of belonging
- sexual preferences
- social justice
- sociocultural
- socioeconomic
- status
- stereotypes
- systemic
- trauma
- under appreciated
- under represented
- under served
- underrepresentation
- underrepresented
- underserved
- undervalued
- victim
- women
- women and underrepresented
The List of Trump’s Forbidden Words That Will Get Your Paper Flagged at NSF
Great, now science is gonna have to start sounding like people avoiding social media filters.
“In my report, we examine how nonmen and oppomajorities are unscriminated against…”
Victim? So no more funding into crime research then.
We live in the stupidest timeline. May Trump’s reign be very short.
There are so many words in that list that are either general use or widely applicable in so many fields, it’s crazy. Some fields popping off the top of my head.
- barrier: biology, as in the blood-brain barrier. Or engineering, economics,
- biases: AI, psychology
- disabilities: medicine, sociology
- diversified: finance
- excluded: just about anything
- female: electronics, engineering, as in female connectors or receptacles
- gender: biology
- historically: also just about anything
- status: just about anything, but a lot in IT and engineering
- systemic: biology, medicine
- trauma: medicine
- under represented: anything with statistics
This is just getting me depressed.
They papered over all the female and black peoples at the NSA Museum too. A bunch of former NSA has to go complain for them to uncover it. They claim it was to “act fast” to keep from being defunded.
Elon would have been arrested in any other circumstance for this behavior. We’re fucked.
They are the grey shirts. Because they are so fucking empty.
They call themselves that, let’s adopt it
This guy deserves only ridicule for his idiotically simplistic understanding of the world and how to improve it. Yet the fascist techbro billionaires are fawning over him. They’re a bunch of fools who never grew up.
Getting fired because you’re a woman, with reasoning that seems to boil down to “we don’t think a woman can do this job,” sounds like a pretty good case for a wrongful, discriminatory firing suit.
4/9 of the supreme court are women. When are they going to go?
At least 1 black guy to my knowledge too
We don’t count that Uncle Tom mother fucker
Fascists will still count him if his knee doesn’t bend enough.
You guys need to remember the real constitution that our oligarchy follows “Rules for thee, not for me”
The moment they have their “hol’ up” moment of clarity about how a ruling will affect them personally
They just put an asshole in charge of the EEOC who doesn’t believe this is discrimination. Who would enforce a judgement even if they won?
the sheer amount of my taxpayer dollars that will go into lawsuit settlements over the next 20 years is infuriating
Why do you think any lawsuits for any of these things would actually get anywhere at this point?
The repercussions of this administration will be going on for decades
Right but you seem to be inferring that the totalitarianism sweeping the nation at the moment will just go away or something, and lawsuits on things like this will actually be a thing in, say, 10 years.
yeah this is just the start. it’s gonna get progressively worse until inevitably the system blows up. that could take decades. i’m guessing it culminates in some sort of unwinnable war
Dude, he appointed three supreme court judges. They are young as hell and will cause hell for 35 to 40 years at least. This is what he did without a second term.
With a second term we might see repercussions and hell probably until the very late 21st. This is assuming it stops with him.
Nope. Can’t see any work arounds to lifetime appointments.
New tax on billion dollar entities or higher scaling exponentially for every additional zero , make them pay it. Government should spend money, on the people for the people and by the people
They’re bullies. They get off on acting like this.
Is he literally saying “Girls can’t do that job, that’s a job for a man”?
No no no it’s clearly DEI
Do higher ups like her get better movers than enlisted? Because I have heard horror stories about the state of objects after military moving companies get ahold of them.
Nah they will probably do it worse on purpose. It’s a real shit show
That first move was fucking rough. I was so relieved until I walked into my living room full of dented cardboard boxes. Never again. I opened up a dented box of dishes I had packed meticulously and wrapped in bubble wrap. Ate off of chipped plates for a couple weeks before I had time to replace them…I couldn’t fucking imagine using them when I had actually valuable shit.
I got a buncha other grunts to help me move the next time. The fucking butter bar that was watching us move my shit into the new place was all “Why didn’t you just use United? Command pays for them. Waste of money. You grunts never learn.” I politely asked him if he’d had them move him in. “Well uh no. We’re paid better than to need that.” Lol
Come to find out the crews that work the government jobs get the worst pay and are often stiffed on tips because command never tell the enlisted to fucking tip. So yeah, they’ll happily fuck up your shit to get the job over ASAP and move on to a better paying civvie job. And to be honest I can’t really blame em. Especially now with Elon saying the Government isn’t gonna pay contractors anymore.
You’re not supposed to tip military movers, it’s in the instructions you’re provided.
My wife and I just recently moved using military movers and all our stuff is fine. She’s a captain (the O3 kind).
Both teams of people were professionals and we didn’t lose anything to theft or damage. Maybe we just got lucky, idk. My experience as lower enlisted having government movers pack up my shit in Italy to move back to the states was similar back in 2014 though. Never had an issue.
My move was in the States. And yeah, the not tipping part is how most of us get fucked. Happy you had a good experience. I have nothing against movers for the record. It’s a tough fucking job.
I’m not a veteran, but I couldn’t possibly imagine not tipping movers.
What? Tipping movers is a thing‽ I’ve only ever moved myself, but I always assumed that you hire movers specifically to move you. Isn’t that the point? Why would you have to pay them more than they bill you? That feels like tipping your plumber for fixing your drain. Do people do that too?
Yeah, if it’s a difficult move. Multiple pieces of furniture, up several stairs, etc.
Yes, people definitely tip plumbers. Are you in the US?
People tip plumbers? The fuck do you mean? It’s a skilled trade, you’re already paying for that shit like twice over when they invoice you… Or do you use some bizarre corporate plumber who pays their workers minimum wage or some shit??
I am.
Tipping movers is absolutely standard. I usually give about 40 bucks cash per person. Depends how difficult your move is.
I don’t agree that tipping plumbers is a thing. And my dad is a plumber, so I think I would know.
To be fair I had multiple moves as an E4, both domestic and overseas, and those were fine too. They don’t hire special movers for officers, at least the non field grade officers.
I wouldn’t take a butter bar’s advice, neither. Not unless a sergeant had just them what to say.
Is a “butter bar” the Army equivalent of a “90 day wonder?” I never heard that term in the navy.
Any O1 is a butter bar. It’s what the rank insignia looks like for all branches.
Gotcha. I generally just called them Ensign, since my first O rank was O4
I wouldn’t call them a butter bar to their face. Lieutenant is the proper term for the most junior Army officers.
I was honestly too busy grading their work to come up with derogatory terms for my students. I guess we called them freshies, and newbies, when we didn’t just call them the ensigns
The left needs to learn how to “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
Speaking softly alone gets you fucking nowhere. This is why the far right gains so much ground. They know the DNC and the apparatus of the left is toothless. All they do is browbeat.
If the DNC cannot bite back, it needs to die or else ethnic cleansing and genocide is inevitable in this country.
The little person, too, needs to learn to just say no. Make them push it farther. Fight back and get pyrrhic victories.
I’m guessing this was on a military base, so the usual eviction shit doesn’t apply, but remember that in civilian life, until law enforcement shows up with a court order in hand, anyone removing you from your house is breaking criminal law.
maybe whack them good with the stick before speaking softly.
I want to start a new political party in alabama based solely on making the average workers life a little bit better.
Class fucking act. Man I get the problems folks had with Obama but class, dignity, just fucking cool. I yearn for those times.
Ain’t nothing classy or dignified about drone bombing kids at a wedding.
Obama had great P.R.
That’s a fun ratio of votes. Do people not know about the wedding drone strike or is it just that he’s polite and people don’t want to say anything bad about him? He also ordered a strike that killed a sixteen year old citizen.
Was he better than trump? Yes. That doesn’t mean he’s beyond reproach.
Obama was another shitty corporate president with a cabinet picked by Goldman Sachs. Anything seems better, compared to Trump, but his inaction on the economy to help the working class is why Trump followed and not another Democrat.
No. It’s because they tried ramming Hillary Clinton down our throat, and she wanted to run against him.
Literally any other Democrat would have smoked Trump in 2016.
Without DWS we would have had Sanders vs. Romney.
That doesn’t mean he’s beyond reproach.
Or you know, good
Good is a stretch for politicians. We have to keep voting for better until we at least get back to “mediocre”.
almost there
over concerns
Serving a violent, racist, patriarchical empire isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.
MAGA has a hardon for cruelty. It’s about hurting people.
There are some other countries that would gladly put her up in exchange for information
ITT, and every thread about Trump, : ‘Fight guys! I’ll sit here with my tendies and watch how it goes. “They’ve picked the wrong fight!” and all that, carry on!’
When you’re asking yourselves how the Germans let Nazis happen, remember: if you haven’t shot a fascist yet, you’re one of the Germans that let Nazis happen. Stop calling for other people to fight, you fucking cowards. Go fight for yourselves.
Edit: for what it’s worth, I’m American and will not be flying across the country to throw my life away.
So you’re literally describing yourself?
I’m going to avoid calling you insults in this first response.
I’m very clearly stating that I’m unwilling to fight, and you won’t see a single comment suggesting otherwise on my profile. I dislike people who cry war from their comfy battlestations at home. If you can’t fight, for disability reasons or whatever you can help without calling for others to fight for you. Otherwise you’re just a coward who’s making things worse.
If you haven’t shot a fascist yet, you’re one of the Germans that let Nazis happen. Stop calling for other people to fight, you fucking cowards. Go fight for yourselves.
I’m American and will not be flying across the country to throw my life away.
I’m just pointing out what you literally said in your initial comment. You said everyone who doesn’t fight but is calling for violence is letting the Nazi’s happen. Then you proceeded to say you are also not going to fight them… Also you said you weren’t going to use insults and then proceeded to throw the word coward in there without knowing anything about me. You don’t get to be a hypocrite and then be upset when your hypocrisy is pointed out. I’m not saying you should go fight, you clearly have your reasons not to, but you yourself just said that you can’t call for violence while not fighting.
Ah yes, I guess I should have provided the caveat of ‘Go fight for yourselves if that’s something you want so badly.’ but I guess I didn’t do a good enough job of making my point.
We can protest. Armed even. But check out these subs, its actually kinda been refreshing and r/liberalgunowners
That’s great, if you feel the need to fight for yourself then do so. If I didn’t have people who rely on me, I’d probably be dropping everything to do so.
I can’t. I’ll help how I can, I’ll try to make the world a better place. I cannot simply drop everything and fight, my mom needs to eat.
Oh. Its not her house. She was living in a military house.
You must be a landlord
No, but I understand when you live in temporary housing issued by your employer, you dont own the house.
Ok, how much time do you think one should have to remove their items in this situation?
At least 5 hours? /s
I didn’t get the impression they were justifying it, they just realized how it could happen.
It would be a pretty different scenario if they somehow kicked her out of private housing and with everything going on I could see people assuming at first that’s what happens. Then realizing the circumstances were different but still shitty.