Fuck it, I’m going to delete the account that I used to get over a previous permaban. I’ll read, but not post. No point in just posting anyway.
Fuck it, I’m going to delete the account that I used to get over a previous permaban. I’ll read, but not post. No point in just posting anyway.
He should be treated as a murderer by the law. Have all his assets confiscated and then be executed. No life sentence for him. Death penalty.
I rewatched robocop recently and the satirical ads and newsegments in the movie have nothing on this shit. We are beyond any dystopian satire.
Except she is still a physical weakling and would have a hard time doing this type of stuff.
Buying the Drone leads to easier tracing. They can investigate anyone who bought any Drone for a certain amount of time. But printing one of your own and having far less traceable electronic components makes that job much harder.
Something like that would be damn near untraceable. As long as you are far away enough and are long gone before anyone notices… and maybe even have a timer to start to give you even more time to disappear they would never be able to find you.
This goes double if you are in an area without a lot of cameras and thus video surveillance canvassing won’t be of much else.
They need to do this and make it absolutely clear that it is 100% Trump’s fault. They cannot be allowed to make the claim that canada did it unprovoked or for the lulz.
Even worse.
I fear that Trump toilets are too shitty of a product to work…
He looks like a Rob Liefeld drawing…
Damn, sonichu just got HARDCORE!
Trump is a vulgar minded criminal who only thinks in terms of money and cash.
Trump would say that the deal was done under incompetent old management and it is not valid under him. As if the government is now his and not the old.
How is the world not ready? The world was never ready for nuclear weapons, but we got them anyway…
But what happened to move fast and break things?
I remember John Kerry’s election in 2004 was thwarted due in part to the perception that he was flip-flopping around a lot of issues. Trump is constantly making an absolute fool of himself by constantly backing away from shit he said he was going to do.
This is true, but not everyone who starts rich is necessarily destined to become the wealthiest man on earth. I think his skill is in the fact that he not only have no scruples (what billionaire does?), but he really, really knows how to bullshit a lot of people. Like when he made Zip2 in the 90s, the website just wasn’t complicated. It was nothing more than the yellow-pages online. He had a shitty computer for a server (it was the 90s. Web hosting was done very differently then) but he got a fancy looking case and lied about its capabilities to make it look like some ultra-high end machine when it was not. He was able to trick investors into thinking it was something better than it was.
He also had some genuine help from others (who are not very rich today, sadly) who rewrote the code for his barely functional site. He managed to get 20 million dollars for the whole thing. He lied and cheated his way to the site working and the sale, but it was a success.
I think it is more that he kinda understood how to get other smarter people to somehow allow him to take credit for their work, and also being at the right time and place for everything.
Correct. But the eggs I bought were extra-extra-large. If I wanted to get just large or medium I would have paid around 4 or less.
I can’t even post in r/conservative. Once I tried with my old (now banned) account to make a comment to explain quite clearly that what Americans on r/conservative thought of Canadian voter ID laws was simply not true. I couldn’t even MAKE the comment. It wasn’t some smarmy insult-laden attack, but a very simple and clear statement that in Canada you don’t need an ID if you have someone to vouch for you, and that there are literally countless things that would qualify for an appropriate ID to use. It isn’t like in some states in the US that have a very, very narrow definition of what is an acceptable ID that it rules out most forms of ID. This isn’t the case in Canada (where even a utility bill can suffice).
Just look at what is accepted as ID in Canada. In the US they would have only a few kinds of ID that not everyone has. In Canada because of universal healthcare, EVERYONE has a healthcare card.
I had my 13 year old account banned on reddit and the ‘final’ statement was saying ‘No, just the problems they deserve blame for’ to a Zionist who accused all Lebanese people of blaming all of Lebanon’s problems on Israel.
Just saying that apparently is a call to violence against Jews…