I love this show, but I do believe the story is a bit weaker toward the end of the season. I don’t want to post spoilers, but some injuries should not be so easily shrugged off lol.
I love this show, but I do believe the story is a bit weaker toward the end of the season. I don’t want to post spoilers, but some injuries should not be so easily shrugged off lol.
I feel like anyone in a good relationship can do most/all of these.
This is very cute, more please! What is the main character?
I believe they grow around the world, and iirc from a news report, she declined to comment on where/if she picked them. Could be wrong, though.
They remind me of a pair of cats my mother had who grew up together and unfortunately came up missing a couple of months ago. Seeing your beautiful babies made me hope they’re safe wherever they are. I wish I could figure out how to upload some kitty tax of them. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pair!
So cute! Where did you get your cats? They are adorable!
So cute! Is it a rat snake?
This is exciting!!! Hoping lots more money gets thrown into making this marketable, the beef industry better not attack this to keep it from their market. Cows require way too much energy and money to raise in the numbers we do. It’s a win win… less abuse for the cattle because itll be less cattle, healthier planet, etc.
What a great visualization. Sometimes it can be hard to relate to the issues others encounter, but that doesn’t mean those things aren’t problems just because you don’t run into them.