Chiricahua is one of my most favorite national parks/monuments/ect. I ended up there by accident on a trip. One of the best parts of the trip.
If you haven’t already hiked the The Big Loop do it. It is about a 10 mile hike so a most of a day activity and is a long up hill at the end regardless of the direction you go. So not a easy hike but it hits all the best parts of Chiricahua. The balance rocks are amazing.
That is the only place I have been that didn’t feel like earth. It really felt like an alien world
Also if you have a vehicle capable enough. Take the dirt road over the mountain to Page. There is a little bar/restaurant there that isn’t bad. And the drive is great. Assuming there hasn’t been any serious changes to the road. Anything Subaru Crosstrek or better should be fine.
Harder daddy harder
Why not? Sound much more effective if it was both.
Just in case anyone is wondering what all the pronouns are. Here is a list of the standard, non standard, informal, and archaic pronouns in the English language
And it at least implied that you couldn’t use any of these words at all in an email. So simple phrases like; can you do this or I am able to do that. Would be out.
Personally I think we should just start using the archaic forms just to confuse people.
This is a quote from the rally. It is very unclear the intent of this paragraph, nonetheless it is talking about cannibals.
Silence of the Lambs. Has anyone ever seen The Silence of the Lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He often times would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by. ‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter. We have people who are being released into our country that we don’t want in our country, and they’re coming in totally unchecked, totally unvetted.
Wait is he advocating for the eating of immigrants?
Are these dependent or independent thoughts?
Also he does know Hannibal Lecter is fictional right?
And literally no person on the planet can give definitive answers.
I don’t have the factory muffler, but I like the steel wool idea it seems easy and cheap. And being in KLR Rider I like cheap.
I know this is just a shit post but fuck is this eurocentric and a bit racist let me refer you to the world happiness rank. The Corruption Perceptions Index and This map of real GDP.
He has just watched too many Lock Picking Lawyer videos.
So he is threatening to go full Mussolini then?
What if enough flame throwing robot dogs escape into the local environment for them to become an endemic invasive species? Then could we be able to terminate any liability associated with the barbequing of the general public?
You have my vote for Stormy Heights
I think I am going to have to agree with you. Headlines like that tend to just turn me off. But thinking about it they should have just gone full send and said “made him sit like a cute cat girl.”
Police departments do carey insurance, and a few rare cases departments have shut down because of being uninsurable.
But do we really want private free market solutions for public problems?
Why? Because the west supports the occupied in one and the occupier in the other? Don’t forget the west expected Ukraine to be an occupied state with a gorilla insurgency within a few weeks at the start of the conflict.
Edit: because I am getting the expected hate. The Palestinians didn’t start out as Hamas. The extremism of Hamas was born out of the lack of action from former moderates. People will always become more extreme when they are met with a lack of action. That goes for the left and the right.
So ask yourself if someone came to your house and told you to leave how angry would you be? If you don’t understand this look up the actions of the Israeli settlements.
Recently it has been disclosed that the dev team have added a new member