Mostly a backup account for now, other @Deebster
s are available.
This reminds me of how in 1930 the BBC said “There is no news” and instead played piano music for 15 minutes.
I liked that you didn’t bring up the email comparison until fairly late - lots of people reach for it very early in their explanations, but it’s so different to what the Fediverse offers that I think it just confuses people.
I raised my eyebrows clear off my head when you said that the different instances interact “seamlessly”, but you did loop back and give a more nuanced/honest account. Good stuff!
I thank the driver too, but I don’t think they’d take it as a compliment if I showed relief that they didn’t crash.
Ah, thanks. I thought the article ended at the newsletter box, but I now see there was the extra you quoted underneath.
However, a deeper analysis using a query of the FARM (field-accessible reliability metrics) values reveals the true operational history of the drive, thus revealing if they have been used.
I’ve never heard of FARM. Is this something we can do ourselves?
Toy Story 2? My other answer would be Godfather part II, but it’s been so long since I saw it that I don’t know if I agree with that commonly-held opinion.
I was thinking that it’s now 81 mothers ago, but then I got distracted by the fact that there was no year 0AD and now I’m thinking that roughly 80 is good enough.
I decided on Symfonium as well - especially once I realised the author, Tolriq, was the same on who’d made Yatse, my favourite Kodi remote. Tolriq is an indie developer and always has very fair pricing and excellent support, so I’m happy to pay (once, per app) for a polished experience.
My poor to-read list, have mercy.
The way that all the copies of the content link to the original post should be some kind of SEO hack. I wonder if it’s triggering specific rules in search engines that detect it and downrank it as cheating.
Or scrambled all of their posts after APIgate (or whatever we’re calling it). Perhaps they came here, which means OP is right in saying we can be a new source of useful answers.
Where is this from?
I was reading through that, waiting for them to mention marine fuel (which they do). Cleaner fuel is causing less cloud cover, so we’ve been accidentally geoengineering a cooler climate for a while - until we “fixed” it in 2020.
I read/watched something a few years back arguing that we should shoot sea water into the air from cargo ships to restore this beneficial effect.
What is Joe short for (in the coffee sense) in your mind? I know there’s a few theories, and the jamoke one seems the most plausible to me.
It’s definitely a bit of a confusing garden-path sentence.
A bitcoin millionaire could’ve been eating it as we speak
There’s enough words there - I read it as “when this widely-used client added feature x”…
Why, who’s Joseph M Basile?
Not really a “not the onion” story.