2023 set a number of alarming new records. The global mean temperature also rose to nearly 1.5 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial level, another record.
I was reading through that, waiting for them to mention marine fuel (which they do). Cleaner fuel is causing less cloud cover, so we’ve been accidentally geoengineering a cooler climate for a while - until we “fixed” it in 2020.
I read/watched something a few years back arguing that we should shoot sea water into the air from cargo ships to restore this beneficial effect.
…we’ve been accidentally geoengineering a cooler climate for a while - until we “fixed” it in 2020.
Better start doing it again, only even more this time. Maybe it will even allow us to meet the Paris climate goals, and with the added benefit of not having to reduce our fossil fuel use at all! We can have our cake and eat it too! /s
It does mention cleaner fuels (with less aerosols), but it also says that only accounts for like 20% of the effect. The greatest impact to decreased low altitude cloud cover is unaccounted for, which may be caused by any number of things including global warming itself. So this may be yet another tipping point for a positive feedback loop that will accelerate warming, which we just witnessed kick off.
I was reading through that, waiting for them to mention marine fuel (which they do). Cleaner fuel is causing less cloud cover, so we’ve been accidentally geoengineering a cooler climate for a while - until we “fixed” it in 2020.
I read/watched something a few years back arguing that we should shoot sea water into the air from cargo ships to restore this beneficial effect.
I mean, it could be… refreshing
Better start doing it again, only even more this time. Maybe it will even allow us to meet the Paris climate goals, and with the added benefit of not having to reduce our fossil fuel use at all! We can have our cake and eat it too! /s
It does mention cleaner fuels (with less aerosols), but it also says that only accounts for like 20% of the effect. The greatest impact to decreased low altitude cloud cover is unaccounted for, which may be caused by any number of things including global warming itself. So this may be yet another tipping point for a positive feedback loop that will accelerate warming, which we just witnessed kick off.