Despite there being more to federal election third party remains suppressed and will always be suppressed by first past the post.
Despite there being more to federal election third party remains suppressed and will always be suppressed by first past the post.
I made it to 27 on my first attempt, so def messed up somewhere. Also, my fingers don’t want to work that way.
50 years? We can’t even switch to metric.
Omg the pedentry needs to stop. Specific to what ever fossil is being refered too.
In a way, but we are also different and our own experiences/thoughts belong to only us. As far as we know.
I have a story I want to tell where in our dreams we reconnect with the “tree of life” and this is our opportunity to split from combined consciousness or recombine with the singularity.
In this space we are searching and experiencing different realities, lifetimes, or similar lifetimes where only a single choice is made different, where time isnt exactly 1:1 and when we wake there are remnants of our experiences in these states. It will explain how death isn’t a inevibiltiy but in this search we find where we think we want to be. It’s just that it’s a vast sea and the searching never truly ends.
Makes me think about how many might chose to be a cell or more complex life.
Bye Felicia
Eh boo-boo, whadda you think about getting us some sandwiches.
I can’t say we are the same. Not definitively. Only similar.
We see it. Right now the only thing to do is damage control. Eventually it won’t be enough and climate change or some other external force will bring us to an impass. Until then it’s damage control and spreading the word.
I would expect randomness to play a larger roll than fitness.
Some scientists, might. There is no shortage on hubris in the scientific community.
The second stump guy does something useful with the stumps bridge guy comes back and takes all the stumps.
I think it needs a panel where the guy in the suit proceeds to shoot green shirt guy for “protesting.”
Thank you for this. I was just thinking about it and how it implies consciousness is shared or linked in some way.
I imagine there are many academics that won’t budge from their current beliefs even when confronted with proof.
Damn, this one doesn’t even know about the cabbage
What if we covered it in some sort of oil that doubles as a laxative?
To each their own? Like I’m not going to judge someone because they want a very specific piece of media. I want very specific things too. Just because the things I want don’t overlap with the things they want doesn’t mean either is absurd.
Only if you don’t consider the third party’s we have now act as an extention to the pejorative parties.