Haha thank you!! I carried it over from reddit. Hope this fixes your issue!
This is an unfortunate bug I ran into as well. I had to fix it by making my password shorter. Went from an iCloud managed/generated password to my own password that was around a dozen characters and then I was able to login.
I cannot overstate how GOOD the writing on this show is. Some of the stuff from the last season especially just cuts so deep and true to real life arguments I’ve had. There are scenes that I don’t want to talk about for spoilers sake, but was done so well it felt like I was there.
This feels incredibly charitable towards multibillion dollar corporations that are in a race to the bottom for pandemic level revenues by making these changes, but I’m no expert.
What the actual heck is happening to the internet. It feels like it is being destroyed at a breakneck pace.
The only reason I haven’t left left is because Apollo still works. That will cease in the next day and I will be done unless Google directs me to there for something I need.
Some may get mine others may think I’m a weirdo.
I’m going to tell myself this is why I’m not getting upvotes and it’s not because I’m entirely uninteresting lol