Just gonna leave this little gem here, enjoy.
How the fuck is Reddit closing their API behind a ridiculous paywall only the SECOND stupidest social media move of the day
Boy I sure picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue
Well I picked the wrong day to quit amphetamines!
The day is not over yet
You know things are going well when you have to restrict content consumption on your content platform.
I for one am cheering its demise.
Talk about killing the goose that laid golden eggs…
Wow that’s my Twitter and Reddit account deleted within 24 hours
Limit READIND is something new. What a creative move!
I wonder what’s actually going on; I doubt it’s about “scraping” and “manipulation”
This is second-hand, so take it with a grain of salt, but I’ve seen mention of a bug that sometimes causes the same graphql query to be executed in an infinite loop (presumably they’re async requests, so the browser wouldn’t lock and the user wouldn’t even notice).
So they may essentially be getting DDOS’d by their own users due to a bug on their end.
Edit: better info: https://sfba.social/@sysop408/110639435788921057
For my money I would bet the issue stems from abandoning Google server hosting, either from arrogance or being unable to afford it.
That’s my bet too. They weren’t hosting the site itself on GCP but they were using them for trust and safety services, and I bet that one of those services was anti scraping prevention with things like ip blocking and captchas, which would explain why scraping suddenly became a problem for them the day their contract ended. It can’t be a coincidence.
By post he means tweet, right? Google says average tweet length is only around 30 characters and average word length around 5 characters. So let’s say it’s 8 words with abbreviation which would take 2 seconds to read. If it’s 4 seconds per tweet with scrolling then you can now only spend under an hour on Twitter without paying. Good on him for fighting against social media addiction I guess.
I got rate limited in 25 minutes by refreshing my Following feed and reading about people getting rate limited. I don’t think it counts 600 unique tweets since I definitely reloaded the same tweets multiple times.
It’s basically everything. Tweets, quoted tweets, replies, and even ads all count against the limit. I’ve seen people saying they hit the limit in under 10 minutes of scrolling. One person said they only managed to post two tweets before being limited.
And from what I understand spam bots are mostly unaffected since they’re already rate limited for reads (but not posts).
I don’t even use Twitter anymore, but after this, I went there just to delete my two accounts.
Limit rating your core audience in their primary task is completely batshit crazy. Thank fuck for mastodon.
spez right now:
wow, this is actually amazing.
You’d think a rapidly developing service like Lemmy might face restrictions like that due to resources but Twitter? Mismanagement beyond belief.
This is the result of a deranged fascist being born with an apartheid silver spoon in his mouth.
Probably an emerald spoon in his case.
But there’s no proof his father even owned emerald mines!! I mean outside public records and his father’s admission and assertion that it’s true!!
Name me one piece of evidence outside that!! You can’t
Traditional internet is killing itself
Just these monolithic social media companies really. And I don’t really consider anything “web 2.0” to be traditional internet. Newgrounds was traditional internet.
I would say the traditional internet was before the time of corporate ruled media, so in that case I’d say corporate internet is killing itself and and media is going back to traditional, at least with respect to the Fediverse.
The fediverse came just in time. I wouldn’t have even heard about lemmy/kbin or mastodon if reddit hadn’t shut down 3rd party apps.
They seem like they’re trying to bleed a stone.
Nah, Web 2.0 is killing itself. Turns out dipshit greedy pig boys aren’t great at running social platforms