Gran Turismo - the first one
Gran Turismo - the first one
Curious that your download speed increased.
I recently upgraded my old ISP provided router to a tp-link omada router with a couple in wall access points that also serve as switches to have everything that can be hard wired, hard wired. As well as having good Wi-Fi through the house.
It’s the little things in life but a nice, fast and robust home network is super satisfying
Why spend several hours with friends when you could spend an hour alone on a jet
Same for me in Australia
Here I am on my zenphone 10 wishing it was a little smaller
I’ve very recently gotten into wrestling (partly because it’s on Netflix, and partly because my 6yo nephew loves Cody Rhodes).
I’ve never in the past given it any credit because it was fake. But watching it now, the fact it’s basically a soap opera does not detract from how fun it is at all
I think blind allegiance to family is a much more sad perspective
Family means nothing. Spend your time with people you love and who love you. Don’t spend time around nazi-apologists.
Did you throw the bug-out bag in the car and go? You can’t leave us hanging like that
To me this seems like a no-brainer. Don’t go.
Why would you go to an assholes wedding? I’m currently planning a wedding and if I invited someone that didn’t like me, I’d honestly rather they not come.
So. I’m not sure why you think you’d be considered an asshole. You’re two different people that aren’t friends and don’t see eye to eye. Why would you go to his wedding?
Bedroom musician here. I think you’ve summarized the overwhelming majority of musicians beautifully.
It’s not a good career goal, but if that’s why you’re making music you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. I think almost all of us realize this
If people didn’t like making music they wouldn’t do it. It’s not like doing laundry. I’d say this is true for basically any artistic endeavor.
Even the popstars turning out the most generic trash you’ve ever heard, I’m sure they still enjoy it
What we do in the shadows. The show is based off the Taika Waititi/Jermaine Clement film of the same name. And is also written by Jermaine Clement
It’s a comedy/mocumentary about a group of vampires. The characters are really well written and it straddles the line between the banality of everyday life as a vampire, and obviously the weird supernatural aspects of vampires. It recently aired it’s final episode so you can binge it now and get through the whole thing.
If you like the office/community/parks and rec/I.T. Crowd type of stuff I think you’ll really like it
I WISH signal was ubiquitous. Half of my friends are still using Facebook Messenger so I still have to resort to using SMS for them
As a fellow music producer, you definitely don’t need a discrete graphics card if this machine is purely for music production. Definitely better off spending that money on an audio interface and some studio monitors, or some plugins
I have quite an extensive history of scraping web sites for various data over the years, I’d be happy to help you out but I can’t really know how to help without knowing what website your trying to scrape, different sites have their own challenges (maybe behind a login, or using JavaScript to load content - in which case a http response won’t give you what you’re after, or any number of things really).
If you give me a link to a book you want to download as an example I can take a look and help guide you through it
The phones with those features have been discontinued but they were never unpopular, they were just what phones were.
Nobody 10 years ago was saying “I wish I couldn’t replace my phone battery” or “I hate that I have the option to plug my wired IEMs into my phone”
People just do what people are good at. Adapting.
Manufacturers have taken these options away because it is profitable to do so. People have largely adapted to that (although I still refuse to buy a phone without a headphone jack)
This is fascinating because I got a BRI of 1.9 and it’s saying I’m in the healthy zone. So I don’t really know what to believe here
Our just play games on Linux. Wine/proton is shockingly good. I’ve never had an issue
Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way, I go through a healthy amount of ketamine recreationally and I feel like it has almost the opposite effect. I feel very small, almost insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but in a really healthy and positive way. Like I’m no more important than anyone else