The things consumers most want are features they really don’t want to give us, like expandable storage, replaceable batteries, and other actual solvable problems where they stand to benefit.
Best I can do is AI.
I’ll just stay over here with a phone I can repair that fits in my pocket with a 3.5mm headphone jack until they turn off the 4g network, ok.
Which one is that? I am looking for a good phone I can keep for multiple years.
Samsung S10e
nothing fancy just a proper small flagship phone, had it since new and battery life is still perfectly fine, never had to repair anything. I think android support has just ended recently so I’m going to be flashing a newer OS soon and get many more years out of it. as with anything you own, take care of it and it will take care of you.
literally any phone should last you multiple years, if that’s not the case for you the type of phone isn’t the problem.
I have the Fairphone 5, it has everything mentioned and 5G but no 3.5mm jack.
The free market has been deliberately shit at meeting the demands of consumers for quite some time. Big players like Apple have been very good at manufacturing hype and loyalty to deliver mediocre products for a consistent revenue stream instead. Smaller companies are either too irrelevant to make an impact or just try to mimic the more successful companies instead.
Maybe Framework will make an Android phone.
Oh yes, fan of theirs. My reasoning behind Framework is they actually develop for upgrades. If you have the first 13" model, you could have updated ram, CPU, ports, battery, even the screen at this point. Fairphone is very repairable, but the upgrade path hasn’t been there that I’m aware of.
I went from a 6.5 year old iPhone to a 16 man pro max big and it’s amazing. I dig that I can keep a phone for over six years
Who stops people from using them 6 years other than the people themselves?
In my experience, phone gets slow or battery goes to shit.
Security updates in newer OSes and app incompatibility with older OS versions.
Fairphone 5 can do that, and even give you choice over your RAM.
Although the phone isn’t sold in the US, it will work the best on T-Mobile since the Fairphone 5’s chipset best aligns with those frequencies (sorry for the reddit post).
Would’ve been my first phone after my previous 7 year old Galaxy Note9, but it incurred water damage. Definitely considering it still though even with my new phone lease because of the Fairphone 5 being unlocked
Real shame it’s not sold in the States! And I would prefer a higher-end processor option but I understand the choice for support.
Most people wouldn’t know what to do with expandable storage, replaceable batteries, and the rest of that.
I’m not sure how many people need more storage but the current way is predatory and the general public would pick up battery swaps pretty easily.
When your phone is no longer locked down and working against you, it’s amazing how much more you can - and will - do with it, and the extra storage space quickly becomes most appreciated.
And yet the phones with those features have been discontinued or unpopular.
have been discontinued or unpopular.
…and? Manufacturers will drop expandable storage because they can charge $100+ more for a model with another 128gb. Yes they still sell phones with them but they’re not the flagships.
Are there phones with expandable storage that people could buy to avoid that cost?
If so, why aren’t they that popular?
Why are you like this? There’s no reason I can’t have a phone with a nice screen, top of the lime camera, and the above. Other than no one wanting to sell one.
And yes, any decent phone will take good enough photos but is that the point?
I’m sure there’s companies that make them. But if people wanted them, and they’re able to buy them, then there must be some reason they’re not.
Maybe it’s because most people - not internet nerds like us - don’t care about those things.
The phones with those features have been discontinued but they were never unpopular, they were just what phones were.
Nobody 10 years ago was saying “I wish I couldn’t replace my phone battery” or “I hate that I have the option to plug my wired IEMs into my phone”
People just do what people are good at. Adapting.
Manufacturers have taken these options away because it is profitable to do so. People have largely adapted to that (although I still refuse to buy a phone without a headphone jack)
Yes, and the reason it was profitable to do so was that people don’t care about them.
If they did care, the companies that removed them would have gone out of business.
So, again, most people - of which we are not - do not care about these features.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Wdym? Fairphone is pretty popular.
Dude we used to have expandable storage in the form of micro SD cards and same with batteries. People know or could figure it out.
You’re posting in Lemmy Shitpost. You’re allowed to say “shit”.
Edit: Oh I meant to reply to the one above, but I stand by it lol.
deleted by creator
I know it’s a cringe trend now, but: Downvoted for censorship. Do not keep your memes safe for TikTok!
What censorship? What TikTok?
Say “shit”, not “sh*t”.
Say “pussy”, not “p**sy”.
Say “gay”, not “”.
Oh now I see it, in the title! Yes indeed what is it with people doing that?
My understanding is that it’s driven by Tiktok, which, being a Chinese company, lives and breathes censorship and forced societal norms.
Maybe driven by it, but I’m on an established forum that just doesn’t allow swearing in an attempt to be “family friendly.” (Everyone on it is an adult, but whatever.)
So when I repost stuff from here to there, I have to censor it. I think it’s silly, but it’s not the first forum I’ve been on that has mandated that.
Replacing a letter with an asterisk is still “swearing”. Censorship, on its face, is ridiculous. If the “family friendly” forum allows “swear” words with one or more letters blurred, they’re mindless hypocrites.
I’m sure you know this, not targeting you with any of my ire.
No, I agree with you. It’s stupid. But you gotta play by the stupid rules sometimes.
To share those on linkedin and corporate slack, I guess. Or in schools, or in boomer chats or something.
Sometimes it can be used for comedic effect though. Like with “Fr*nce”.
*Say “gay”, not “Katana314”
This has to be the replacement for the spiderman meme.
We got USB C 14>15, that’s an upgrade on its own tbh
Because they got forced to do so, lol.
100%, not denying that
Thousand dollar standard update
laughs in android
What kinda features do you honestly expect? Phones can basically already do everything these days. Of course the most noteable difference is CPU speed but you don’t need a new one for that every year, or do you upgrade your PC as soon as a new CPU or graphics card hit the market?
We are “there” with processing power IMO. Form factor is the next evolution. Try a foldable and find out that regular phones are so limiting.
I can legit get work done. Two or three apps comfortably shown. (Teams, tickets, admin console)
I just moved and reading/signing docs on a big screen was so helpful.
navigation with an 8in screen is objectively better. Can even split screen with Spotify or the message thread with whoever I am visiting/meeting.
tripod for taking pics. I use this SO much. Along with selfies using the main cameras
I tried to go from fold 3 to S23U and gave it to my mom after 2 weeks. Right back to foldables with OnePlus Open. Takes even better pics
Larger form factors also means more room for batteries. Granted, larger screens require them, but I think my point stands. I’ve been on the Samsung Note since like the Note 4 (I think). The larger amount of screen real estate is genuinely a welcome upgrade and that’s the whole point of the foldables… it’s the next evolution of the “phablet.”
Chinese ones are literally the thickness of an iPhone, when folded. With bigger batteries too! SiC tech we don’t have in the US yet.
It’s wild how foldables were just weird and cumbersome, and all of a sudden are “ready”. My fold3 was so goofy in retrospect. Me OPO has fooled people into thinking it’s a regular phone when just sitting on a table a few times
640Kb should be enough for anyone
No wireless. Less space than a Nomad. Lame.
I guess if phones turn into all-in-one devices we could need more power, but I haven’t noticed any change in gaming performance for generations of snapdragon. Always locked at 60 fps.
I guess efficiency is always welcome
My point was that we cannot predict the future, saying something like;
we are “there” with processing power
Will be as incorrect as
640Kb should be enough for anybody
It’s just impossible to predict, not only how we will utilize our tools, but also what the consumer wants in 10 years or so.
Besides, narrowing the scope of the device down to “just” gaming is a limited viewpoint.
Ok, What do you foresee us needing to do on our phones that we cannot do now?
I don’t know, you don’t know, no one knows… at least not for certain. That’s my point. If I wanted to try my luck with being an oracle, I’d play the lottery ;-)
What I’m challenging is to just plainly saying “nope well never need anymore computational power in our device”…
Wouldn’t mind if they keep lowering power consumption…
It feels like Phones really don’t have anywhere else to go in terms of meaningful upgrades outside of speed.
yeah, someone could release an actually useful phone (USB ports, SD cards, hardware switches for everything…) phones could’ve been so amazing, but what we have now is nothing short of useless.
If they figure out durable scratch resistant creaseless foldables, it’s actually over for form factor changes
Even in its current iteration, barring material conditions that disallow me from keeping my foldable phone, I think I’ll keep owning one for the foreseeable future. It truly feels like something new in a sea of black rectangular slabs.
Bro they are ready. Check out the OnePlus Open. Typing this on my outer-screen now, it’s very comfortable and feels like a normal iPhone closed.
I bought it second hand and the screens are still flawless. I do not baby my phones. It is currently case-less
The crease is practically non existent, I constantly get comments on that. I think people are used to how Samsung’s folds have a deep valley crease.
The cameras are better than the Galaxy S23 Ultra I tried for a couple weeks. Video quality is iPhone level or better
It’s not ready for me until it’s durable
My fold3 had metal missing from the hinge from dropping it and it still worked pefectly until I sold it 3 years in. You aren’t going to see people making posts about how their fold didn’t break
You’d really be surprised, I don’t even use cases unless I want magsafe mount-ability in my car. Plenty of drops and abuse
I watch jerryrig everything haha, they do not yet meet my standards
Sounds like you probably watched the pixel one, that thing is trash. He was unable to fold the others backwards, and he is not a weak dude.
i’ve watched all of them, actually, the problem is how easy it is to puncture the display with sand.
deeper grooves at a level 3 just won’t ever do for me. this ain’t it.
I want one but the price has kept me away… But its about to be time. I’m not one to upgrade often, I’m still on a galaxy s9 plus, which I love, but the battery is showing its age and the screen has some minor burn in after like I think 6 years of constant use.
S9 was a great year for Samsung. But yeah that’s getting up there in age lol. Would be in 2nd grade if it were a kid 😂
Check the used market, mine was $900 mint condition on swappa. I figure the Open 2 is coming out Q1, so I bet the price will drop to <$700 soon
sidekick 3 was the SHIT
I can believe why you think that if you use iPhones. Foldables are out here completely changing the game. Apple will make one in 2030 I’m sure
And it’ll be so revolutionary… Somehow
And yet people always want to upgrade to the latest one.
Who are these people? All my friends and family keep phones for 3-5 years. Im the “new phone” guy and I’m on a 3 year schedule
I don’t have an iPhone but quite a few people I know are on that plan with Apple where you can upgrade every 12 months:
I’m in the San Francisco Bay Area so maybe it’s region-specific. People do like new shiny tech here.
If they want new tech why get on an iPhone program? They are withholding progress to give a slow trickle over time. I guarantee I could not tell the difference between the last 3 years of iPhones if you put them in front of me.
Status symbol
Gross. Then why not buy the
$3400$9000 Huawei XT? It’s like the price of a used car
The bezels are pretty wide on these examples. Some people like that though.
I love good bezels where you can actually hold your phone securely and not have to balance it on the bottom with your thumb/pinkie.
You can say shit on the Internet
No, seriously…someone explain to me why so many children think you can’t cuss online anymore. Is it because of the hardcore shit like that on Tik Tok? Do these kids believe the entire internet is censored that bad?
They’re just making things at this point
I am on the fence about switching to a Galaxy this year. Someone convince me. I’m coming from an iPhone 12. My biggest hangup is going to be moving my stuff over.
Just stay on your current phone till it’s dead. And even if you switch to Android avoid Samsung it’s a bloated disaster. Use oneplus or import a sony phone if you want headphone jack microsd slot and hardware fingerprint reader
Get a Fairphone then.
If you go Android, I recommend a sony phone. Unlockable bootloaders, microsd, headphone jack, exceptional audio, good camera. And no fucking notch or hole cut out of the damn screen!
I even recently replaced the battery in my Xperia 1 iii.
Coming from a pixel guy who recently bought a 16 pro apps just plain don’t work as well like even google apps run better but that’s not to say they are bad on android things “just work” sometimes on iOS
Can you give an example of an app not working “as well”? Do your emails get wrangled or anything?
1 I use my phone as a remote for my tv and it’ll sit there and spin on my pixel 8 iPhone loads right up
2 I have a lot of Bluetooth devices and my pixel doesn’t like to auto connect past the recent 5 devices my iPhone connects immediately to any of them any time
3 so far Siri with apple intelligence ( dev beta ) has given me significantly better responses then hey google has
4 camera in some apps is just slow on the pixel but they all are flawless on iPhone
And that’s not to say I hate my pixel I carry both phones if I have to run adb commands at my job I can do it easily off my pixel but things that my iPhone can do it does do better at least for me
Outside of software, the only ones I remember that I cared about hardware-wise was USB Display-out & a Stylus. Though some android tablets are getting tiny fans so I do like that, and two USB-C ports does make up mildly for removing the audio port
2029: Now with 7 quadrillion megapixels and AI powered meme generators