Where’s that image from?
Where’s that image from?
I know five or six people who work for the TSA, and every one of them are MAGA
And yet it’s very likely they won’t put two and two together to figure out the sitting Republican president is responsible for their weakened union. Still, this couldn’t have happened to more deserving people.
International relations standpoint aside, she offered no benefits or relief to the economic woes of the working class other than telling them to suck it up because everything’s fine. She ignored progressives in a pathetic attempt at currying favor with the likes of Liz fucking Cheney because she thinks conservatives would actually pick a Democrat over literally any Republican candidate. Everything about her screamed corporatism, the status quo of deadlocked improvements in Congress, and a lack of willingness to meaningfully change things for the better.
She is the quintessential establishment Democrat who would rather campaign for fundraisers than actually act on meaningful legislation. Despite all these (and many more) flaws, I voted for her as she was the only meaningful opposition the DNC could regurgitate out because Biden was too proud to stop his reelection campaign early on. For California governor, I’d want an actual progressive with the intent to make things better over her any day.
I want someone who doesn’t seek approval from conservatives. She can fuck off and collect speakers fees for the rest of her life for all I care.
I already spend most of my day reading and writing documents so the idea of reading even more for fun just makes my eyes hurt. I love books but if I can enjoy them in a different format to let them rest then I’d be happy to do so. Audiobooks are a great experience when you’re out for an evening walk or staring at traffic for your commute.
When you’ve been relying on a free source of defense for decades, it’s attractive to divert investment into something more directly beneficial to the citizenry. Better late than never, at least.
Frankly the question of transgender women in sports should be answered by those in the women’s sports associations and their players. Anyone else is simply not invested enough to have a fair perspective on the matter. Let’s be honest here, how many people even watch women’s sports to begin with? Still, it sucks Newsom sounded off like this.
I’m sure repeatedly shocking the market with surprise tariffs will be good for the overall health of the economy… Right? Surely the market will bounce back every time tariffs are lifted?
Societies being run by brains in a jar still sounds better than our current system.
That joke went far-right over me.
We’re gonna have to pirate our weather forecasts like we do with live sporting events.
Where’s the poop knife?
They’re delicious if cooked properly. I’m a lazy bastard and just microwave steam my cauliflower and broccoli though.
It probably won’t stop the likes of McDonald’s or Coke from coming back. They smell money and won’t be swayed by petty things like threats.
This kind of goes as a warning over what happens when a democracy isn’t set up in such a way to prevent this thing from happening. Just getting rid of first past the post elections could’ve helped in preventing this and had given us a more balanced government that wouldn’t have been so easily captured by moneyed interests.
Better an uncharismatic couch fucker being unable to talk his way out of hot water than a geriatric orange Hitler.
You should monetize that hobby. Go into healthcare or prostitution, maybe even life portrait artistry if you’re really good at it.
Only for the descendants of those very same Americans to try bringing back a theocracy roughly 250 years later.
Jindosh’s mansion was peak mechanical map design. A house that changes its architecture a couple of times with the pull of a lever is amazing. Even more so knowing that most of the walls and floors are mechanically sound, like they could be built IRL. It’s unlikely we’ll see something like that again for at least another decade given how poorly AAA developers are doing these days. You can spend hours inspecting every nook and cranny of the place to see how everything just mechanically fits together.
Don’t underestimate the lengths these people will go to deny reality. Unless they’re personally affected they won’t care and even then they have short memories. All conservatives are like this.