No one saw the babytrap coming? Seriously?
No one saw the babytrap coming? Seriously?
Its not about the amount of money or selling your body(everybody sell their body at some POV), it’s about a work which edifies yourself and make you worthy as a person, not just being a meaningless sexual object. I know the obectivation of women have been going through the history of humankind, but at least women should try to get away of it a not just wanting to be superfluous sex dolls.
Says the one who fucks for money… words of wisdom LMAO…
Let’s see what happens with Trump and Mexico next president sat at the same table…
I use it, it works pretty good tbh.
If you have a big storage device you can just partition it and have dual boot, or if you need to use windows stuff you can always virtualize it with Virtualbox for example.
Answering you question, you just need to download the windows iso and use MAS(google it) to activate windows/office permanently. But anyway nowadays isn’t required to activate windows unless you want to change how your desktop looks.
If you want to game stick up with Windows, for everything else use Linux.
Making things illegal doesn’t solve anything in the WWW, principally cos there isn’t a world’s jurisdiction and cos illegality doesn’t stop criminals, see what happened to the war on drugs… just a big failure.
Maybe attacking the problem from the root like educating people to avoid porn at all could be successful at some point but anyway this it’s definitely another problem of the hiperconsumist capitalist scheme.
Edit: I believe if it were illegal even the price of it will go up so it will be a bigger business at the end of the day.
Just like a Ponzi but with crowdfunding.
IDK if the whole thing of Rabbit Inc. it’s a scam, but seems like an interesting concept. Smartphones could do it easier with a good paid AI app development not needed for a separate device also but anyway interesting concept for a “shady” company.
Thx for the info ✌️✌️
I will check this thx for the info 👍👍
Actually that’s the way to remove the root folder, but obviously people should know if you remove the root folder you remove everything in the partition included the system and the files, it’s not a problem of the AI it’s a problem about dumb people.
You can use Copilot to ask about the problems you face after installing Linux, it will save you time instead of using normal search engines. Good luck!
People do it for usability and convenience, for the 95% of people out there it’s easier to pay for a shitty quality service than finding the way to avoid em’, it’s just ignorance and incompetence. Trust me I make money from these people.
Shitty quality content/software/products. Now I pirate everything I need and if it’s good I pay to the developer.
I think it’s more about homosexuality being an anti-natural behavior, animal and human(as we are animals) females and males are meant to reproduce, so from the point of biology homosexuality goes against the reproductive needs of the specie to keep being alive. I believe it’s not about homosexuality being evil/bad or wrong.
At the same time the factor time-money it’s pretty relevant.so it’s more important developing for a general userbase than a minority userbase.
Any news about this mate?