Almost 99.999999999% guaranteed that there are a LOT of stipulations regarding what she is eligible for in the event of a divorce. And I doubt she has the willpower to become public enemy number one for rejecting the orange shitstain.
Nah, she, like many of us, is hoping he dies. Then she can get whatever cash he had left.
Orange Shitstain…
I haven’t heard that one before, but I’m totally stealing that!
Says the one who fucks for money… words of wisdom LMAO…
I work construction which is selling my body for much less.
Feel free to demean me too if it make you feel better.
Yeah you like erecting things you slut? Do you pound those dirty little nails or do you spread your hot sticky concrete everywhere?
I dunno, this ain’t doing it for me. I tried.
Labor for me harder, daddy.
Its not about the amount of money or selling your body(everybody sell their body at some POV), it’s about a work which edifies yourself and make you worthy as a person, not just being a meaningless sexual object. I know the obectivation of women have been going through the history of humankind, but at least women should try to get away of it a not just wanting to be superfluous sex dolls.
What makes you an expert about what work is real or not?
His ass.