“It’s a messy situation, but generally it’s very safe and it works well,”
Reminds me of the traffic situation in eastern Asia. Huge amounts of cars, scooters etc. mostly ignoring any traffic rules. From an outside perspective it looks like there must be thousands of injuries a day but considering the vast amount of individuals it’s still pretty safe and efficient.
Sounds like you mean South &/or Southeast Asia and not East Asia (or perhaps just Asia in general rather than subdividing)? Within Asia, injury/fatality rates seems to increase as you go westward.
Traffic deaths in Thailand are 60 per 100.000 vehicles. In the Netherlands is 6. It’s 10 times a deadly…
My Dad has experienced traffic like this. He said having strict rules is often worse because you expect others to follow the rules and then they don’t, people die. There’s a sort of complacency involved with rigid rules.
Complacency and entitlement. Like letting a guy merge into you instead of evading because “well he was supposed to yield!” People will fully crash their car if they think they’re “right”.
Makes me feel better that bats are as uncoordinated as me.
“Wassa matter with you? you blind?!” “Yes.”
Bats aren’t blind
They aren’t colliding, they’re just giving each other very adorable and very valid flying snuggles!
I read this as fat 💀
Bats are dumb as crap lol
[I got a bot to automatically delete all my comments over 1 month old so you can’t see this comment anymore]
Yea, looks like it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPEPX4z4KBw#t=5m24s
Wasn’t there a study about the same thing but with bees?
Did someone say beans?