Bikȯz ð preſkriptiviſtſ bitct æt M t no end ƿen Uı wėz dju̇ſt yuzıŋg þ æ ð æ did’n inklud “tcrėdicėnėl ſpelıŋ.”
Because the prescriptivists bitched at me to no end when I was just using þ and ð and didn’t invlude “traditional spelling.”
If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
Bikȯz ð preſkriptiviſtſ bitct æt M t no end ƿen Uı wėz dju̇ſt yuzıŋg þ æ ð æ did’n inklud “tcrėdicėnėl ſpelıŋ.”
Because the prescriptivists bitched at me to no end when I was just using þ and ð and didn’t invlude “traditional spelling.”
Hu’d Hṙ peırintſ vot f?
Who’d her parents vote for?
Ðeıṙ aṙ a’ſ medikėl mægėtſ.
There are also medical maggots.
Saundz moṙ luık ė blendṙ ðæn dju̇ſt ė tuṙbuın.
Sounds more like a blender than just a turbine.
Pṙſėnėlı, Uı’m moṙ fȯnd v ð egzæmpėl v Prıhiſtorik Plænet’z femboı teırosoṙz.
Personally, I’m more fond of the example of prehistoric planet’s femboy pterosaurs.
Ðı aṙ’n letıŋ ð imprȯpṙ Djæpinız ſluıd t bı nuıſ, it’z bikȯz Đı þıŋk a forinṙz aṙ ſ ſtupid ðæt “beıſik etikit” z’n wṙþ ð efṙt t djril intu U̇.
They aren’t letting the improper Japanese slide to be nice, it’s because they think all foreigners are so stupid that “basic etiquette” isn’t worth the effort to drill into us.
Uı keım u̇p ƿið it
I came up with it
ſ fılz moṙ fu̇n, æ u in uI z bikȯz, æt lıſt i hau Uı ſpık, aı fılz tu “opin” f hau Uı prėnaunſ muı uı ſaundz. Luık ſpelıŋ luıt æz “laıt” fılz ƿeı ƿuıdṙ i ð tceſt ðæn hau Uı ſeı it.
ſ feels more fun, and u in uı is because, at least in how I speak, aı feels too “open” for how I pronounce my “I” sounds. Like spelling light as “laıt” feels way wider in the chest than how I say it.
İt’z ė hom-meıd oṙþȯgrifı f Iŋglic.
It’s a homemade orthography for English.
N Mı prȯblėm if klikıŋ ė ſpoılṙ tæg z ſėm Hṙkyleyėn efṙt t Y.
Not my problem if clicking a spoiler tag is some Herculean effort to you.
Ðeıṙ aṙ tu Trump votṙz. Ð ƿėn hu votid f ð bigitcrı, æ ð ƿėn hu did’n vot ėgenſt it.
There are two Trump voters. The one who voted for the bigotry, and the one who didn’t vote against it.
Boþ aṙ ıqėlı dizṙvıŋ v dju̇djmint f ſelıŋ ð reſt v U̇ aut.
Both are equally deserving of judgement for selling the rest of us out.
Auṙ ėbyuzṙz aṙ n entuıtėld t U̇ bııŋ ð bigṙ pṙſėn bikȯz bııŋ tcrıtid luık Ðı þru i ƿið Fæciſtſ, ƿitc Ðı 1,000,000% did, hṙtſ Ðı’ṙ pƿecėſ ƿitėl fılıŋgz.
Our abusers aren’t entitled to us being yhe bigger person because being treated like they threw in with Fascists, wich they 1,000,000% did, hurts their pwecious wittle feelings.
Iðṙ ð ekſelṙeıcėniſtſ aṙ ėbaut t bı pruvin kėrekt, oṙ Ƿ get t heıŋ ðem a frėm Đıṙ nipėlz ƿen letıŋ him ƿin ėgen dėz n tıtc enıƿėn enı leſėnz.
Either the accelerationists are about to ne proven correct or we get to hang them from their nipples when letting him win again does not teach anyone any lessons.
İt’z ƿėn v ðoz “ſitı ȯ ė hil” ſentimintſ. İt u̇pſetſ bumṙz t ægnȯlidj ðæt n ė lȯt v “ekſpırimentıŋ” hæz bin gœıŋ ȯ ſinſ ð ſivil ruıts eırė.
It’s one of those “City on a Hill” sentiments. It upsets boomers to acknowledge that not a lot of “experimenting” has veen going on since the civil rights era.
Ė lȯt v pıpėl rılı d’n want t ekſept ðæt buıpaṙtizæncip dėz’n egzizt f big icyuz.
A lot of people really don’t want to accept that bipartisanship doesn’t exist for big issues.
Ƿᵫd’n hæv ſed ðæt enıƿeı. İt’ſ i Iŋglic.
Wouldn’t have said that anyway. It’s in English.