Pretty sure he is exactly that though, venal and stupid. Putin bought a president on the cheap.
Pretty sure he is exactly that though, venal and stupid. Putin bought a president on the cheap.
Lied to yes, but also stupid and arrogant enough to believe it.
Do you reach into the bowl and eat your own poo? Is making unsupported statements followed by question marks a reasonable thing to do?
I’d say that’s the most likely thing actually, just employees being dumb after hours.
She’s an idiot but why is nobody from the venue watching and stopping her? It’s not like she was being sneaky.
Well we do have laws against fraud, deceptive marketing, etc. It’s hard for me to imagine what we would be arresting someone for unless it were one of those already illegal acts.
It’s nice to say it should be illegal to take advantage of someone, but who decides if that happened, and by what criteria?
Just another opportunity for the oligarchs to buy more of our country at a discount!
…the purpose of people sitting out the election? You know, the topic of the comment you responded to?
They’re doing it as fast as they think they can get away with.
“Oh he could just carpet bomb all of Gaza and he hasn’t, ever think about whyyyyyyy”?
What an utterly ridiculous premise, and you’re explaining their actions on this? Just so pathetic.
Yes? Has been since before the rise of truly fake news on social media in the run up to the 2016 election.
It was all anti Hillary stuff, but of course the right is the embodiment of projection, and so trump latched on to the “fake news” term with glee to discredit any and all news that he didn’t like.
Not silence, just more bullshit unfortunately. I’ve seen them continue to defend their position.
Edit: In this post!
They do controlled burns, but the ability to do that safely has been hampered by years of drought conditions. At least Democrats admit climate change exists I guess?
That’s typically what you get in return for an investment. The only question is if it’s enough of a share to give control or at least influence.
I highly recommend Indian cuisine! They aren’t trying to replace meat, just making delicious foods that often don’t contain meat!
It depends! America bad? Then yes! America good? Then no!
No because he’s just a troll.
“Research it on my own”? By doing what? Running clinical trials? We have experts as a society for a reason.
You’re probably the kind of person who thinks it’s a massive government overreach that you’re forced to wear a seatbelt.
“Hey guys, I think vaccines cause autism but THE LEFT won’t let me spread my bullshit online!
Isn’t that the same thing as platforming actual Nazis???”
Why is it better than unmatched 401k?
Did you have a point?