The privacy sub may be even more paranoid than the stim subs.
This haunts them in their sleep:
cares about privacy
downloads a shopping/fast fashion app
on an i phone
posts to his reddit account
something isn’t adding up
My calculations suggest that it could be racism.
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but for the companies that can access your information
As if Android is any better?
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I’m with you on libre stuff, but I would say it’s not any better than Apple unless you are actually using one of the options you mention. Essentially every OEM available in western countries (and probably most other countries but idk) jam it full of spyware and telemetry, both the default google kind and all kinds of OEM and carrier-based additional spyware which is also often horribly insecure.
Every cell phone, even dumb phones, can track you with a warrant or Stingray. Rather than picking which is better, understand that every single cellphone is snitching on you and act accordingly.
To be clear, it is possible to defend yourself, but ofc no defense is perfect. For illegal activities that might attract federal attention? best to avoid them at all costs. But for general privacy in your day to day life that isn’t practical for most people, and “every cellphone is snitching on you” is way too reductive, even if it’s true in a sense.
For example the person you are replying to mentions Linux phones, many of which publish schematics and make hardware kill switches for the discrete modem a big selling point. That still isn’t perfect protection, but it would protect you from a stingray… and if you have a thought out threat model, you can make the choice whether or not that device is appropriate for your situation.
Let me be clear first: If you want to get rid of advertising, then yes your advise is OK. If you want to defend against the Surveillance system, it’s not close to adequate. This is the fundamental gap I’m trying to address.
I understand where your heart is at, but you are making a mistake. Free/Libre software is about Freedom, and from that guarantee we can build other guarantees about security and privacy. However Freedom itself does not guarantee security nor privacy. Freedom is also the freedom to shoot yourself in the foot.
To be clear, it is possible to defend yourself, but ofc no defense is perfect.
There is a perfect defense: Don’t use technology. Much of this advise is trying to use technology to fight technology. It’s a rabbit hole that has no bottom, and the best defense is to not play. The problem is attack surface. Technology is incredibly complex and is chattier than your extroverted :LIB: friend at brunch, and boy howdy
do people love to listen! You can reduce this attack surface, but it never goes away as long as you are using technology.
But for general privacy in your day to day life that isn’t practical, and “every cellphone is snitching on you” is way too reductive, even if it’s true in a sense.
Here’s the trail crumbs you might make on the Web as you browse each and every website:
- DNS request - sends URL domain/hostname (, for example), collects IP and timestamp. Your ISP is often the default DNS, so they are collecting this information. Google ( and Cloudflare ( as well.
- 1st party HTTP(S) request - Encrypts body but sends URL domain/hostname in the clear across the network, collects IP and timestamp.
- 3rd party request - Usually advertising, but also could be security (Sign In With Google, Okta, etc), collects IP and timestamp
- 3rd party cookies - Sent and updated with every request to that domain (Amazon cookie to, FB cookie to, etc), collects IP and timestamp
- 1st party advertising - Think Amazon’s “Customers also bought…”, has full access to your request, collects IP and timestamp and User-Agent.
- Logs - Usage data about what you do on the website, both front-end and back-end, collects IP and timestamp
- Telemetry - Usage data about what you do with your app, collects IP and timestamp
You can use custom software for #3 and #4 on the device (most of the advise here), but do you block You can use a network DNS blocker (e.g. Pi-Hole) for #1, #3, #4, and some of #7, but that only works on networks you control. VPNs advertise as solving #2, but that’s pure ideology; it only moves where the routing traffic goes and still can log information in transit.
This also ignores data brokers who buy all of this information and compile it together.
And this is just the advertising/surveillance defense against tech companies. I haven’t even touched
if your threat is state-level actors your computer security is approximately moot and maybe you should spend your money on laywers and having a discreet way out of the country
Nope , not if I don’t use a sim.
That’s not protection, and worse its giving you a false sense of security. I don’t make my recommendations because I hate tech, but because (from a security posture) the attack surface is so large it is impossible to verify it cannot be used against you, and the consequences of that mistake are life-altering.
A SIM merely says you are Authorized to use the network. The phone still makes connections to the cellular network. All phones on the market allow emergency calls even without a SIM card.
Both your cellular chip and your WiFi chip broadcast their unique MAC address to every router/tower they see, and all of this information is logged.
Just like a burner phone, police can get the location data from the carrier and towers, and use that to trace where that phone went. If you brought that phone near other devices, those devices or your own location can be deduced.
You see this over and over: Big Protest ➡ Police Geofence warrant ➡ Cell logs ➡ Arrests. Given the criminalization of protests this will become the norm. If you want to get rid of advertising, many of the suggestions here are fine. But none of them go far enough to protect you beyond that, even from Big Tech surveillance.
True that for just using a sim card less phone.
GOS airplane mode disable any connection to the cellular network. If I’m wrong if love to hear some evidence to the contrary.
If I’m wrong if love to hear some evidence to the contrary.
It’s not that we are wrong or right, we cannot verify. That is the danger. In a high security environment I treat everything as suspect until proven otherwise. However when you do not use technology you categorically exclude an entire attack surface, and it is extremely simple to get right.
I know your hearts in the right place about this, but android is not better than iOS for privacy.
The only way android can be made decently privacy respecting is through graphene and that requires a very small subset of the ocean of android devices and requires that you give up almost everything that makes a smartphone useful.
The solution to privacy isn’t graphene or android, it’s not using a smartphone at all.
and requires that you give up almost everything that makes a smartphone useful
that’s hyperbolic, I use graphene and rarely use the profile I’ve got their play services shim enabled in. the only thing I have found myself entirely unable to use so far is google pay for event tickets that require it, which isn’t often.
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idk which features you mean, but you can get the google camera app and sideload it. highly recommend doing that
most if not all ML features like photo manipulation or whatever else are going to run on google’s servers, so yeah you’re not going to get that. not what I think of when I read ‘everything that makes a smartphone useful’
It is leagues ahead if you are literate enough to wipe off the original firmware and get your own in it.
I want a phone, not a second job.
Its fine if you are not literate to install a custom ROM. Use the defaults.
I have mine modified, no need for a second job, just 30 minutes of research once.
Too late sweaty, CCP knows everything you’ve ever said or done now, along with everyone you’ve ever talked to. You can’t put the cat back in the bottle Charlie. Your whole life is in the communists hands. You might want to turn yourself into your local FBI office and accept your torture and eventual murder for the crimes you’ve bestowed on this free nation.
shit is so stupid. i don’t care if the chinese government spies on me. I live in america. It’s DHS, ICE, CIA, FBI that want to kidnap me and harvest my organs. chinese govt can’t do shit to me and have no reason to. honestly i dare them.
This guy just got tricked into downloading a communism and you’re laughing?
the absence of a Stalin phone case is revisionism
Chud: Communism no iphones
If I got a Mao phone case, would it make my landlord too scared to call me?
Once you install the Mao case, any landlord who calls you will be delivered a fatal electric shock upon you answering
My landlord calling me to tell me they’re adjusting the rent:
w2c swag deng xiaoping phone case
Yooo that deng case is fire.
That product violates every Maoist principle, but damn does it look sexy.
It’s red and has Mao’s face on it. He’d love it.
You’d think people interested in phone/computer privacy would take it upon themselves to educate themselves about computer security and how to protect their device.
Turns out they’re way more interested in jumping at shadows and demanding praise for acting like a child scared of the monsters under the bed.
I have a google phone right now but I’d love to get a Chinese phone when I need a new one. I’m pretty sure the party isn’t getting transcripts of what I yell at my phone right now, so I’m hoping a Xiaomi or Huawei would be more conducive to sharing my political advice with the chairman
FWIW Xiaomi and Huawei phones still run android and come with google services installed by default. You have to install a custom OS to avoid that IIRC.
If you want to avoid Google then Huawei is the way to go. Xiaomis generally are Google app compatible out of the box, you just have to go one extra step and install them.
Huaweis, on the other hand, you have to go through all sorts of steps just to get Google play store installed and working, which I think says a lot about how devoid of google shit they are.
Is there an iPhone equivalent of deleting System32 because that’s clearly the answer to this question.
If anyone is that worried about data privacy, they shouldn’t have a smartphone lol.
Is there an iPhone equivalent of deleting System32
It’s Apple, so no.
I think that attitude is frankly toxic. It’s the digital equivalent of “if you don’t like America, you can move to Afghanistan!”.
The real toxic attitude is simply expecting everyone to have a smartphone. Stop trying to make me install an app or scan a QR code for everything. I’ve gone without using a smartphone for months at a time and I was fine. Pre-covid there were usually a couple times where some event or restaurant or work thing required some unnecessary app, but since covid I think people have gotten sick of this type of stuff and it’s not as common. Worse case scenario just get a burner phone for when you’re forced to use a smartphone.
the platform and devices are kinda counter to principles of privacy. the towers track you, “free” software where your data is the product, the panopticon of everyone having a camera… Places that need to actually be secure ban them. You can get by without a smart phone just fine if you have a regular computer but then you transfer all the vulnerability to that device, it’s just not physically with you and you have a little bit better control over it if you know or care enough to make the efforts.
The RF side is one thing. The software is another. Actually Libre software phones aren’t an inherent impossibility.
Actually Libre software phones aren’t an inherent impossibility.
neither is linux on the desktop. but reddit OP doesn’t have a threat model he just has racism.
how can acknowledging reality be toxic? it would be nice if it were different, but they’re right - smartphones are anathema to privacy as they exist today
But they don’t necessarily have to be, to that level anyway.
even a locked down smartphone is worse than a dumbphone, it’s just the reality we live in
It doesn’t have to be that way though. Properly designed hardware combined with Libre software could make things much much better.
Ok but this is like saying “I shouldn’t have to pay a 1/3 of my check to you” to your landlord and refusing to pay. You’re gonna end up on the street whether it’s true or not, until the security state and big tech is dismantled their phones are gonna be like this
Their phones are, but not all smart phones are. You can today daily drive a PinePhone Pro running linux.
what does this person think China will do with this information you live in another country dipshit china can’t arrest you
Xi Jinping is personally jerking it to my noods!
Are you
enough to slide into Xi’s DMs?
I don’t think the cretin making the post on
can adequately explain why they are so terrified without resorting to blatant racism and westoid fantasies. But the existential crisis for the west is that capitialism has run out of road with data, attention and platforms the last all important commodities to shape and dominate what is left of the economy. Your attention is a zero sum game for them and the data is the all important fuel.
The majority of people have huge data footprints with fragments of themselves everywhere. Yet is there any real example of blackmail with all this data? I remember reading a quater of Soshana Zuboff’s Surveillience Capitialism before I could take no more of needlessly prolonged lib storytelling. Are there any worse examples of this specifically ruining somebodies life other then a ruined engagement? Like if somebody who made it to the end of that drivel enlight us that would be great or correct me where I am worng about data.
i absolutley have seen some of these idiots claim that china has underground police in the us. nothing seems to be to absurd for these people
This is the kind of drivel which gets posted to that sub regarding why they should care China is “stealing their data” :
if they get enough data, then they can use machine learning to find patterns effectively reading the mind of an average american. The govt can then push specially crafted propaganda aimed at destroying your faith in country, and seed ideas like resisting the chinese is in vain and you should surrender.
With enough time the population will get weaker and starts to fear any retaliation against the chinese because they are TOO STRONG (they are in your mind). Without public support Democratic govts can’t do shit ultimately causing US to crumble down and even taken over by chinese.
Data is dangerous.
I’d like to think this is a joke because I would write something like this as a bit, but I’ve seen a similar argument 1000 times by now.
One of the senators in the tiktok hearing basically insinuated that China was installing a communism activation word in the heads of Americans.
To put it mildly, Americans are not an intellectual people.
if they get enough data, then they can use machine learning to find patterns effectively reading the mind of an average american. The govt can then push specially crafted propaganda aimed at destroying your faith in country, and seed ideas like resisting the chinese is in vain and you should surrender.
That’s not how “machine learning” works. Do they think they live in a marvel movie?
if they get enough data, then they can use machine learning to find patterns effectively reading the mind of an average american.
It’s not hard you just take literally any issue no matter how pointless or obvious the solution and half the country will think it’s good and the other half will think it’s bad. America can only process new problems through the lens of adversarial politics where nothing can get done. Ultimately because the US constitution is the worst legal framework in history so they can’t campaign on actual policy
the complicated statistical analysis necessary to predict American patterns is a coin flip. Of course the UK is simpler just ask what would an incredibly corrupt person do and there you have it the UK government
and the Chinese wouldn’t want to intrude in the excellent job the US government is doing at destroying American faith in their country
You don’t need special algorithms to read the mind of the average American. The American brainpan consists of “car good, racism, queerphobia, kill the homeless, CONSUME” and that really covers 99% of what goes on in the average American’s head.
They can just buy the information from data brokers anyhow
from amazon or whoever, who they’ll happily give their information to and who have way more ability to fuck with them
I go out of my way to never download any apps that secretly steal data (or ones from China)
So apps from China that don’t steal data are also bad?
I’ve seen someone echo this exact same sentiment, they were suspicious of an open source project on GitHub not having malware because the maintainers were Chinese and there was a Chinese translation of the README file, American propaganda is mind-rotting.
Critical support to Temu for separating chuds from their money
If you’re that paranoid about privacy, perhaps an iPhone and social media are not the right choices for you.
r/privacy is full of the dumbest people I’ve ever met. If you cared about privacy you would never have a smartphone in the first place.
It’s like Snowden & Assange taught these people nothing.
All the new media literacy pedagogy should be thrown out and replaced with Michael Parenti’s Inventing Reality and Make-Believe Media.