physics majors when they’re asked to apply their knowledge (they’ve never been outside of the lab)
They can design the chicken coop, but only for spherical chickens in a vacuum.
Built from ideal materials with zero tolerance
Just like the Tesla Truck!
Though lack of both physics and engineering is on display there.
It also fails from the arts and sociology perspectives.
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Is the date a perfect sphere in a vacuum with no friction?
Aww, he doesn’t understand physics and has a small dick? :(
Her: “No I meant I’m a software engineer.”
Him: “Oh. I also hate myself and want to die.”
“Can I lick the science?”
“Nothing else has made the code work so ya might as well!”
What’s the first indicator a scientist tried to build their own experiment using the soldering station ?
The smell of burnt fingers.
What’s the scientist waiting for sitting in front of their own experiment ?
Waiting for the infinite loop they coded to finish after they claimed they didn’t need the engineer’s help to write the code in their experiment.
How many scientists do you need to change a light bulb ?
Theoretically just one, but it can take several until one of them can call an engineer and admit they only know how to change light bulbs theoretically.
What does a scientist call an electrolytic capacitor ?
Acid distribution subsystem.
Ask a
physicianphysicist to build a bridge, it collapse but he knows exactly how and why it collapsed.Ask an engineer to do it, it holds but he has no idea how it’s holding together.
Engineering is just physics with real numbers.
@user1234 @fossilesque irl physics
Who said she’s a mechanical engineer?
IIRC they all learn some physics at engineering school. Even the software engineers.
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I did chemical engineering because it only required two physics courses.
And because I like chemistry.
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Neither do the physicists
Engineering is more like accounting, but for objects instead of money. Tables, rule books, and lobbyists.
Hey we understand plenty! Well the parts we have to to make the thing not go boom anyways…
Wait, things aren’t supposed to go boom ?
I’m Torgue and I’m here to ask you one question and one question only: Explosions?
I suck at math too!
Don’t we all??
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If you ask a scientist what pi is, they will tell you it equals 3.14159. If you ask a mathematician, they will tell you pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter. If you ask an engineer, they will say “about 3, but let’s round it up to 5 to be safe.”
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I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but given the dearth of women in engineering, there’s an interpretation of this meme that’s kinda sexist.
I’m literally a woman in STEM lmao.
Like I said, I don’t think you meant it.
Independent of who you are the meme could be read in a certain way.
- You could replace either character and the meme would still work. Sometimes, things are just a joke.
- I’m not responsible for bigots who misinterpret things based on their own biases.
- Woke scolding only divides people who should be allies instead of addressing those who are the problem (see 2).
“Woke scolding”
If you think this doesn’t exist then you haven’t spent enough time differentiating Marxism from liberal identity politics.
so glad you were here to explain to me the error of my ways, whatever would i do without your enlightened understanding of marxism🙄
if you think people complaining about “woke scolds” aren’t 99% conservatives then idk what to tell you dog, particularly in the context of “actually being concerned about social issues pushes people into reaction!”
- Yes you are! This is the internet! Stop being nice and start hating people!!
No! I refuse! Take my silly memes and have a good night, you beautiful bastard!
If 1) is true then taking a stand on 2) and 3) is pointless at best and callous at worst.
Like you said, the joke works equally well with the genders reversed to remove the possibility of misinterpretation.
I understand, however, I feel that the critique of this meme is an overreach and, frankly, misdirected. By focusing on this as a problem, we risk diverting attention from the real, substantive issues that need our energy and advocacy. It’s important to pick our battles wisely and concentrate on fighting blatant sexism and inequality, rather than reading into harmless humor. We do a disservice to the cause by attacking allies over perceived slights that, in reality, are neutral and unrelated to the broader struggles women face in STEM. Regardless of who is in this meme, it does not effect my position as a woman in STEM in any way.
I’m not trying to attack you or anything. I’m not calling you a sexist and throughout this whole interaction I’ve given you maximal benefit of the doubt about your intentions.
All I wanted to do is point out that this meme could be read to have an unintended negative meaning, a point which I don’t think you’ve even disagreed with.
If a big part of why this meme is okay to you is the fact that you’re a woman in STEM them at least men should be aware that it might be interpreted differently if they share it or spread it around. It is, after all, a meme.
That sounded darker when I misread your comment as
the death of women in engineering