Smh Robert Stack goofed up, she has been seen and heard from again.
She’s the Captain of the USS Archimedes smh.
Dunno what you’re on about, that’s Captain Sonya Gomez.
Ensign Gomez was indeed not seen again.
(yes, I know this is still inaccurate)
The following year she was exiled to Mars, where she grew an extra boob
I don’t care how inaccurate it is, I laughed
Yeah, not shared for any accuracy by far! I watch both these channels and Fact or Fiction, or rather rotate play for my pets to watch and sometimes join on Pluto all the time, so it made me laugh.
At least she avoided the typical end of most side characters who got a name and speaking role for ~1 episode: dieing as a casualty between some special effects.
I thought she had her own command now?
She does indeed. Captain Gomez of the USS Archimedes.
Or so we’re led to believe … after a long absence, the Gomez that reappeared many years later was known to be quite two dimensional.