from the early 18th century
h/t to
At least this idiot had the excuse of historical linguistics being so underdeveloped; it’s understandable he’d think language was immutable… but he’s still a total idiot who apparently thought God spoke English in the Bible instead of Latin and Hebrew.
These are people who insist that the KJV, perhaps history’s absolute worst translation of scripture ever, as the single solitary legitimate version of the Bible.
I wish whatever jackaſs that decided that the long ſ needed a ſtupid nub at exactly the ſame poſition as the croſsbar of the letter f in Roman typefaces a very unpleaſant afterlife. As if OCRing hiſtorical documents didn’t have enough problems already.
I wonder if there were 18th century shitposters who turned this into copypasta but subbed in “s” and “ſ” in place of “you” and “thou”
Ye olde shitte transcribers
Alt text:
Again, the corrupt and unsound Form of speaking in the Plural Number to a single person, YOU to One, instead of THOU, contrary to the pure, plain, and single Language of TRUTH, THOU to One, and YOU to more than One, which had always been used by GOD to Men, and Men to GOD, as well as one to another, from the oldest Record of Time, till corrupt Men, for corrupt Ends, in later and corrupt Times, to flatter fawn, and work upon the corrupt Nature of Men, brought in that false and senseless Way of speaking YOU to One; which hath since corrupted the modern Languages, and hath greatly debased the Spirits, and depraved the Manners of Men. This evil Custom
needs the ſ in alt text to be correct
What is the source for this? I feel strong tshirt potential
Wow that’s wild. I thought for sure that it was fake.
I guess isekais weren’t the first to make those stupid long titles…
Pure, plain, and single language of T R U T H
That a halluva moufull.
ufed by GOD
Wow, he foundf ferioif