“Journalist” -> “Hamas fighter”
“Child” -> “Small hamas fighter”
I laughed but now I’m mad and sad. Fuck you Isreal.
Fuck Hamas, enemy of palestinians.
How about: fuck both. They’re both war criminals, so they both suck.
What’s with the black rectangle in the corner? Did someone decide to deliberately cut off the artist’s credit?
Probably, that’s the conclusion I came to also. Or maybe the original was for the company that made the template and they didn’t want to make people think that company made it made the meme? Idk.
Oh yeah, like a “9gag” watermark or whatever? Definitely possible, good point.
If i dislike the company or the watermark I usually just copy the hex value of the background and hide it that way
TBH: Hamas knows that bombing a school doesn’t look good. Thats why they build their operation centers under schools.
If the only solution I could think of to a problem was to bomb a school I would simply ask someone else to come up with better ideas.
This is a shit-tier excuse for bombing schools, regardless.
Yeah their take seems to ignore the fact that there’s other options than just drop a bomb on the school
ceasefire begin talks with the other Palestinian government that isnt Hamas
You can take the power away from Hamas by taking away palestinian people’s reason to be angry. But as it stands, Hamas is literally the Gazan government.
Genuine question - What would the realistic solution be?
I’m by no means absolving Israel. The voices of their government alone show that they don’t even try to prevent civilian casualties. But of the top of my head I don’t exactly see a solution. For example putting a foot on the ground would provoke their neighbors. They can’t just ignore Hamas either.
Israel funded Hamas and their policies basically created them. They’re an easier target for westernes than the secular PLO. Maybe the solution is ending apartheid and the illegal occupation? Maybe, and I know this is really crazy but, bombing the shit out of a group of people isn’t going to lead to less retaliation?
The PLO wanted to remove Israel from existence for most of the time it was in power, it’s not like they were saints either.
I never said they were saints?
But you very strongly implied it, stating the PLO is palatable.
A one state solution that results in the dissolution of the state of Israel entirely and the creation of a new state where Arabs aren’t held as second class citizens, where both groups live under the same laws and are prosecuted in the same Justice system.
Totally kill a bunch of civilians including kids with bombs then! Totally fair.
Well, this claim has been made by Israel, too, as if to say the tunnels are all underneath hospitals. But they showed a quickly made 3D rendering, not proof.
We know this. Palestine was full of journalists. There are countless proofs of this tactic.
Yeah its well known by everyone that they hide where they have human shields, this doesn’t make it ok to just ignore the civilians but it explains the high casualtys to a certain extent…
This is actually allowed under the Geneva convention – but I don’t like it. similar how I despise how Israel settlers are occupying the west bank part by part.
Nevertheless, the main problem is Hamas. And only if the Palestinians are able to kick out Hamas (or allow Israel to do it), there will be no peace. Similar how no peace will be achieved with Nethanjahu.
Yeah i don’t like how Israel deals with it as well, but i also don’t see another option, Palestinians kicking Hamas out won’t happen and Hamas has already proven they make people stay with force.
And the settler thing is also not exactly a good thing.
True but two wronges don’t make a right. It is still wrong to bomb that school
So if someone attacks you and threatens to eradicate everyone in your country and has their rocket launchers on top of hospitals, hides their fighter in refugee camps, and has their operation offices under schools, what do you do:
Tell all civilians to leave and bomb schools, hospitals and refugee camps.
The main problem is Hamas using Palestinians as shields. There is almost 0 uproar against Hamas in here. But its their fault Palestinians are dying.
I Aladeen this.
i had this crazy idea that instead of bombing gaza and killing civilians they could have just worked with the gazans to respect their space, grant them rights in israel, not cut off food water and power, and work together to help everyone live together against radical elements.
but what do i know
Ignoring 75 years of history and conflict.
eh israel has to start somewhere to show they’re serious and ready to change.
They’ve returned land to the Palestinians and pulled out settlers multiple times through that 75 years, yet Palestine goes right on back to attacking them.
Truly Israel is the victim here, those evil Palestinians trying to take their homeland back are just too much!
What homeland?
There has never been a Palestine, The area was part of the Persian empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, etc, and the Arabic people living there came and went. There is no Palestinian homeland, and very few people in Palestine can trace their ancestry back generations in that region, with many of them going there after world war 1
- The Land of Palestine: A Brief Overview Palestine is a geographical region located in the Eastern Mediterranean, bordered by modern-day Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. It is part of the broader area known as the Levant, which has been a crossroads of various civilizations throughout history.
Before 1948, Palestine was home to a diverse population of Arabs, Jews, and Christians, as all groups had religious ties to the area, especially the city of Jerusalem. The land itself was under the control of various empires, such as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and eventually the Islamic Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire.
So not the homeland of current Palestinians, understood. Glad you agree.
Hamas is pretty comfortable with using human shields. Im pretty sure their hq is under Gaza’s largest hospital for precisely this reason. So yeah actually both columns are correct. When you fire off rockets from the roof of a residential building it is literally an enemy position as well as a residential building. I’m not defending the IDF in any way, but Hamas doesn’t choose their positions randomly.