This should really be a high priority service with dedicated admins.
If hosting fund raisers we need near 100% uptime.
Also using cloudflare is a bad idea as it centralizes web traffic.
It’s up again if anyone is wondering
Tor address + I2P address and funds for proper hosting and domain. That’s what we should look into
@tusker There seems to be an overlap in functionality between Kuno and my project Mitra, which also provides a way to support individuals with XMR.
Have you looked at it? The software is well-maintained, and has federation capabilities (I’m posting to from my own server right now). If any feature is missing (e.g. the ability to set goals), I could add it.
Zero fees means this is a passion project. I respect their hustle and ambition.
Can I self-host a fundraiser or start my own platform?
Kuno is open source. You can download the source code for free here: and install it onto a VPS.
Yes, that was my point. The site owner should put a fundraiser on there for site costs.
Raise money or donate to a good cause with Monero
✔ Start a fundraiser for free
✔ Receive Monero (which you can exchange to cash)
✔ Zero fees, works globally, no bank account required snapshot
Maybe ideally this should be decentralized, e.g. with 2 or 3 mirror sites. One could post/edit things using whichever instance, and it’ll be visible on every mirror, etc. Like, fail-safe redundancy?
Also, look into evaluating as an alternative to cloudflare.
A privacy-centric hosting company having in-house DDOS-protection would be ideal? This basedflare thing may be better than CF, though it feels exactly like CF for me an end user. Their error message is unhelpful too:
Verifying your connection to This process is automatic, please wait a moment… Error: Browser does not support WebAssembly.
A more-friendly error message would be: Use the “Standard” Security Level in Tor Browser; “Safer” “Safest” wouldn’t work for this. (Brave Search actually says something like that, nice to Tor users, though I seldom use Brave Search…)
I literally came across basedFlare yesterday so no direct experience with it, though that error looks like a typical cloudflare error.
as for wasm compatability, the tor security-slider takes care of that as you suggest.
Come to think of it, any CDN may have the same problem (MitM-ness etc). Not sure. Considering alternative options is good in general, though. What I hate about CF is indiscriminate Tor blocking. Tor is also used as a humanitarian tool, helping various vulnerable users (like those who live in an oppressive country with heavy Internet censorship). Blocking it is like collaborating with oppressive regimes.
> Blocking it is like collaborating with oppressive regimes.
Not like, it actually IS.
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find out that CF operate quite a few Tor entries.
Any alternative is worth supporting.
deleted by creator
(Deleted, because the link to post/1090829 may show an ad of this VPN, when seen from a remote instance.)
@UncleIroh @tusker @Saki Is sjw involved in this?
Absolutely no idea.