Oh my god I’ve got so many 😭
Believed this until I was like 16 and so did everyone else in our school.
A girl did anal and got pregnant and since it was anal that got her pregnant she was gonna poop out the baby. Funny thing is I was part of the group conversation that started this rumor and STILL we all believed it.
since it was anal that got her pregnant
Umm…you might still be missing some sex ed info.
I had a goth girlfriend who unexpectedly turned into a conservative Christian and wanted to stay a virgin. I was a horny teen and was “well what about anal” and she said oh no, she could get pregnant because of seepage
It is technically possible if semen gets out/around the anus and then gets accidentally wiped towards the labia.
Not embarrassing, just disappointing.
Precum contains next to no sperm, so it’s really unlikely to get pregnant from it. Apparently Sex ED universally exaggerates that chance so that people don’t get the dumb idea to rely on pulling out.
I mean it’s probably the right way to teach it that way, but you know, if someone theoretically had a bit of an impregnation kink, it sure would make them sad :(
I learned way too late about the fertility cycle of my female reproductive organs. What, I can feel my cervix, if I just reach into my vagina deep enough?! And oh, so during my fertile days, my vulva will get slippery, my cervix is soft like my earlobe, and my cervical mucus becomes stretchy like egg white?! Also, my body temperature rises?! And on the not-so-fertile days, my cervix is closed, feels harder (like the tip of my nose), and none or less mucus. That’s wild, so much to learn about a body that I thought I knew!
(You can use these observations to contracept or to become pregnant, but if you do, please inform yourself about Natural Family Planning (NFP) or the sympto-thermal method. It takes a routine and some experience for it to be reliable, but once you get the hang of it, it is awesome!)
One teacher allowed girls bathroom breaks without a question but not guys and we thought it was bc girls can’t hold pee in since they don’t have dicks.
If you can’t tell sex ed doesnt exist in this part of the world
Hell that’s not even sex ed but anatomy ig
Wait, what’s the reason?
Every so often, girls need to release evil demons within them or else they’ll be consumed by hellfire. Everybody knows this.
Period flow can happen without warning, and even if there is a warning, it’s not usually something that girls are comfortable enough with to want to announce the reason in front of a classroom.
It’s not like you want to announce diarrhea either
I don’t get diarrhea every 4 weeks. Do you?
No it’s more frequent than that
Then why is it called menstruation and not womenstruation? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Didn’t realize that being ace was a thing, people keep assuring me that sexual attraction “naturally” happened
Well, for most people it does
Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina
If you’re on hormonal birth control, you don’t need to have monthly bleeding cycles. The sugar pill part of most hormonal birth control pills, was added so as to not scare people when their bleeding disappeared.
I learned this so late…